This post is only for listing the scenarios, discussion thread is here
http://bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php/topic,347.msg851/topicseen.html#msg851Arkham Summer League Play
Over this summer the city of Arkham is going to be crawling with monsters, mayhem, and magic! It is up to you and your team of investigators to combat the forces of the Great Old Ones as they try to devour our reality. Gather your forces and compete against other teams across the world, as you take on ten scenarios each harder than the last. Every two weeks a new scenario will be posted, and teams will scramble to beat the Ancient One quickly and efficiently. The following guidelines will tell you what you need to battle these foes.
A team can consist of 2-8 investigators.
All players can choose which investigator they would like to be.
A player may not change investigators unless they are devoured during a game.
Each scenario may be played multiple times, but a League Results form must be filled out after every time, and only the best result will be used.
The first and second scenarios will be from the base game.
Scenarios 3 and 4 will include elements from the Dunwich Horror.
Scenarios 5 and 6 will include elements from The King in Yellow.
Scenarios 7 and 8 will include elements from The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh and Kingsport.
The final two scenarios will include elements from all the sets.
Elements are cards from the set I dont think the board's are used.
ScenariosScenario 1: Tide of Serpents
Prepare to do battle against an ancient menace in "Snake In The Grass."
(This is a nice easily scenario for getting into arkham)
Scenario 2: Masquerade Ball
With the defeat of the reptilian menace Yig, the streets of Arkham calmed down. People rested, recovered, and rearmed. These days people just aren't who they seem to be. Everyone keeps talking of a stranger about town, but no one remembers his name or quite what he looked like…
(This could be tricky depending on the monsters drawn as each maniac, mask monster, or cultist drawn causes the lost of 1 sanity)
Scenario 3: Down the Hatch
Facing the snake and revealing the mask stretched the town of Arkham to new limits of sanity. Now people are disappearing and lots of folks are heading to the black cave. It's about time you heading down there, just to check it out. Beware the shadowy figures and the formless darkness, and you just might make it to the cave alive!
(This ones a real pain, it needs investigators camped outside the black cave to kill all the monsters, why? Because ALL monsters move with mythos card and head towards the black cave, for each monster at end of mythos phase in black cave increase Terror or Doom track by 1 then remove monster from the board)
Scenario 4: Miscreants and Miscreation
Every day more things slither, crawl, and fly in the shadows. The citizens of Arkham are looking for answers and no one, not even the police, have them. Can you turn the tide of monsters in Scenario 4 of the Summer League?
(Another fun one, this needs the Dunwich Horror board and 2 elder signs are removed from the Unique items deck. You double the number of spawned monsters fromt the gates. So the big question is do you double the number when you have a monster surge?)
Scenario 5: It's Good To Be The King
The ghastly play "The King In Yellow" has come to Arkham. As insanity and madness follow in its wake, teams of investigators must battle with an ancient evil before succumbing themselves.
(This scenario affects the Miskatonic University location only, monsters that appear here have horror value replaced with -4, and yellow signs appear with clues in these locations, if you take the clue from a location you also have to take the yellow sign which means that you have to draw a blight card too)
Scenario 6: Knocking On The Gates
"King In Yellow" is in play.
Blight cards appear when investigators go insane, you can sacrifice 2 sanity for 2 clue tokens.
This looks great fun, probably more than the normal game, for those experienced players.
As scenario get run and new ones posted, I'll update the post.