In the true spirit of Arkham and Top Gear I was 'brilliant but rubbish'.
The problem was, it was soooo hot in Spirit experienced players were having problems thinking straight.
Some others including myself just were not in the frame of mind for a long 4 hour game.
As its also a scenario requiring the use of the some number of players for 8+ games, it quickly became apparent that the whole idea was going to be a problem, so after 1 hour with 3 elder signs down (good going team

) and looking like 3 more easliy be place. The game was scrapped.
Many thanks to the players for taking part and moving the table, sorry for having to scrap the game part way.
The new plan is a max of 6 players, requiring 3 / 4 core players for all the scenarios.
This allows players to join for 1 game if they wish, but there investigator is fixed to the ongoing game.
The questions are now.
Core players
1) Me
Next date to try again?