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Author Topic: UK Games Expo 2014  (Read 2833 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 17 June 2014, 21:34:13 »

Well another year and another UK Expo...

It has only been in it's new home for 1 year and this year shows it has already started to outgrow that! We only went for a single day this year on the busiest day which was Saturday. The show was heaving and had a real buzz about it, there were some disappointments but on the whole it was a great day and proves that this show is in the ascendancy at the moment.

The bad has been covered in many blogs and posts but suffice to say the word was QUEUES, this was not the fault of the UK EXpo, for the most part, but the ill prepared hotel who seemed to to have badly underestimated the attendance numbers. That said the Bring and Buy suffered as a consequence of its success and popularity, even the UK Expo has admitted this was one of their failures this year. Don't get me wrong it wasn't awful but as a punter this year it meant I never got to see it as there was always a queue and I did not want to waste my time, though I probably saved money Smiley

There was plenty to see and play, though sadly as it was soooo busy I never really got to sit down and try much. Next year if we only go for a day I think we will pick the Sunday, as by all accounts it was less manic than the previous day.

I really like this show and it's quickly becoming the UK Trade show for the Gaming Hobby which is no small achievement for the Organisers, who deserve all our thanks and praise for all the hard work they out into building this event.

It was strange being there as just one of the masses but at least we got to see a lot more of the show and we will be back again next year. With the Dog now a feature of our lives staying over or long days are near impossible at these types of events but it does not prevent us going entirely.

All in all this is the premier event of the UK Gaming Calendar but it is primarily a Trade event which is fantastic as it helps promote the hard working FLGS and publishers around the UK.

Bring on UK Expo 2015 and who knows where it will be located in 2016 that may be the year we break into the big league and move to the NEC proper.


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