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Author Topic: More Adventures in Tellene - Bandits lair  (Read 4657 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 01 January 2014, 17:50:33 »

before it all began

Skirmishing with Goblin Brigands and why dwarves are always better

As a prequel to the main tale taking place some distance to the North West inside the Kingdom of Cosdol, the previous spring in a border fiefdom called the fief of Vaynam.

Part I Taking on the Mission

Dramatis Personae.
Aron – Half elf Ranger
Nyadryn – Brandobian Human Fighter
Thans Thorikkksson – Dwarf Fighter Thief

The Thorpe of Sylais and the road west to the local market town Vaynam


Thans, finding himself at a lose end and rather short of coins in the tinny settlement of Sylais after a mild falling out with his pervious travelling companions about the general superiority of Dwarves, strange how lesser, kindred’s never got that, he did not blame them after all they where less folks nor did he push the natural superiority of dwarves in their faces it just went without saying. So why they had put a sleeping draft in his ale and left without leaving any indication of where he was to follow them was beyond his ken.

Still their loss as he had been the only Dwarf in the company of a group of men who had planed to adventure in the wild lands beyond the Cosolen border, dangerous without the guidance of a dwarf, and not exactly safe even with.

Still after a good fish breakfast it came down to him having to find some paying work so Thans was interested when he heard the half elf that had arrived the previous night talking with one of the local lords retainers and a group of some what irate villagers. Pausing, briefly to listen and ascertain what the discussion was about Thans discovered that it was about a problem the men of Sylais where having with bandits in the woods between the village and the local market town. They had it seems been being waylaid on the way back from market, and forced at crossbow point to unload their carts and wagons before being allowed to drive on. The village headman had quite naturally sent to the local lord for aid.

However when that aid arrived it turned out to be one man from the lords men at arms who it seemed was supposed to organise the local farmers into an militia and lead then against the bandits.  The farmers where having none of this idea and the young man at arms was now looking to recruit any adventuring types around to help him.

All that where available where an Elf looking fellow and Thans, however the headman did come up with a plan which seemed sensible that the three adventurers take his cart into the local market town Vaynam as it was market day and collect every thing the farmers needed and when the Bandits stopped them on the way back deal with them then. This struck all involved as a sensible plan

So the small company took the village headman’s wagon and some goods the villagers wanted sold in town and a list of goods they wanted bought at market and passed along the road thought the woods to the local market town Vaynam without incident though Aron  was convinced that they where being watched by the Bandits. Thans & Nyadryn thought this likely too, and indeed the plan depended upon it.

The company spent much of the day shopping fro the villagers and in late afternoon they set out with a laden wagon for Sylais and in due cause in the middle of the woods as the Villagers had told them found the road blocked by a newly fallen tree. They halted the cart and shortly two short stocky heavily cloaked figures one armed with a massive crossbow emerged form the underbrush along the road side.

Thans sketch map of the ambush site

« Last Edit: 05 January 2014, 18:30:58 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #1 on: 04 January 2014, 19:35:57 »

before it all began

Skirmishing with Goblin Brigands and why dwarves are always better

Part II Defeating the Bandits  

Dramatis Personae.
Aron – Half elf Ranger
Nyadryn – Brandobian Human Fighter
Thans Thorikkksson – Dwarf Fighter Thief

The Thorpe of Sylais and the road west to the local market town Vaynam and the hills above the vale in the abandoned dwarf workings


The Bandits stated their demands that the company unload the cart onto the road and that when they did they would move the tree and allow the company and the empty cart to go on its way. After a brief discussion the company decided to appear to comply with this request as previously discussed and all three dismounted the cart and whilst Aron and Nyadryn recovered their weapons from amongst the goods on the cart Thans slipped into the woods to sneak up on the Bandits. Aron readied his bow drew and loosed at the crossbow armed Bandit, as Thans made it into position behind the two bandits on the road. The stupid elf missed but badly enough that the bandits did not even notice that they had been shot at. Thans moved to improve his position whilst scanning the roadside underbrush for further bandits and Nyadryn readied his glaive behind the cover of the loaded wagon.  The elf drew and loosed again his arrow striking true this time just as the Bandits speaker began to become aware that this was not going to the usual plan. The Elves arrow took the crossbow armed bandit at the base of the throat and he fell, Nyadryn  charged and Thans having spotted no additional bandits slipped out of the underbrush un seen by the bandits speaker and behind him.  The Bandit speaker drew his long knife and backed off almost into Thans. Thans’s and Nyadryn struck almost simultaneously and the Goblin leader for that was what the Bandits where died where he stood savagely stabbed in the back and carved in twin at the same time. Elated Thans moved to finish off the crossbow Goblin as several of his colleagues revealed themselves from their positions behind the “fallen tree” and ran into the woods as fast as their little legs would carry them.

It was growing late and the company decided not to peruse, rather moving the tree aside, it having been lowered into place with a block and tackle and carrying on to the village to unload the farmer’s goods and received a free meal at the local tavern as partial reward for dealing with the goblins, and the good folk of Sylais being shocked at the bandits turning out to be goblins as they thought the goblins had been cleared out of these lands in their grandfathers times by the grandfather of the current fief holder.

In the morning after a free breakfast the company set out again to the place where they had been ambushed and by mid morning they had reached there and Aron a skilled tracker easily found the tracks of the fleeing goblins form the day before and the company made its way into and though the woods following them. There destination turned out to be an abandoned mine shaft in the ridge above the vale which the villagers had said had been dug by dwarven prospectors in their fathers times

On seeing the target, Aron and Thans moved to scout the area, whilst Nyadryn remained in cover at the edge of the approach to the mine. The two scouts quickly discovered there was a goblin watchman on top of the bluff above the mine entrance. Aron moved to cover him with his bow whilst Thans snuck up on him. Aron signalled to Nyadryn to come forward, and the goblin spotted him almost right away.

The goblin had a sling and sent a stone in Nyadryn’s direction it hit but caused little harm mostly bouncing off his armour, Aron loosed an arrow into the bushes and seconds latter, Thans stabbed him in the back. The goblin quickly decided running away was the better part of valour fled with Thans in close pursuit slashing at him ineffectually.  The goblin made the crest of bluff and scrabbled down escaping into the mine entrance.

Outside the company regrouped, Thans made a torch, and Aron performed first aid on Nyadryn’s minor wound before they pressed on, into the mine. The mine was as one might expect well made and from the entrance the passage lead down into the hill wide enough for two to walk abreast and high enough that even a tall man like Nyadryn could stand even if he had to swap his glaive for his sword due to the confines of the passage.

A short way inside the mine there was an entrance, the dwarves original sleeping quarters Thans thought where there where three ill armed goblins which the company surprised.  A short fight followed but the Goblins where no match for the company and where soon slain. A subsequent search here found little save the goblins stinking bedding and a few brass coins and three of the ubiquitous short curved goblin knives.

Moving deeper into the Mine the company reached the main workings a relatively roughly worked chamber with the beginnings of a shaft in the middle of it now largely filled with the detritus of the years between the mines abandonment and now overlain by  the goblins rubbish. Four better armed goblins changed forward to meet the company, however they too where soon cut down and the last two goblins cringed at the back of the chamber amongst the haphazard piles of the villagers stolen goods pleading for mercy and offering to help if they where let live.

They where and where dragooned into carrying all the villagers goods down to the road before being chased off. Leaving Thans and Aron as guards Nyadryn walked back to the village to   fetch the villagers with carts and wagons to get it moved further and to cut the story short that is what happened and the villagers where over joyed to recover all their goods and another free meal and several rounds of the ale wives best followed the companies return as did the passing of a small amount of coin as the Villages thought not dirt poor had little cash.

The following day Thans and returned to the local market town Vaynam and sold such goods that the villages had not claimed and dividing up the cash parted as friends.

Thans Map of the Abandoned mine
« Last Edit: 05 January 2014, 18:50:04 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #2 on: 04 January 2014, 21:01:21 »

 Skirmishing with Goblin Bandits & Dwarves are always better….

All experience points are per individual

Part I
Taking on the mission             10         +1
The trip to town                20         +0
Doing the farmers shopping             10         +0
General role playing by all parties         15         +1

Part II
The Ambush on the road
Negotiations                   10         +0
The Dwarf moving to counter ambush       20         +1
The Fighter                  10         +0   
The Ranger                   15         +0
Cutting the leader in twain The Fighter        0         +2
Cutting the Leader in Twain The Dwarf        5         +1
The Goblins                   14         +0
The aftermath all               15         +0

Back in the village               15         +0   

Finishing off the goblins at the test mine
The approach    Ranger & Dwarf         10         +1
The Approach                   10         +0
Fighting the goblin watchman            7         +0   
Tactics in the mine               10         +1
Fighting the slaves                22         +0
The final battle                       29         +0
Not killing the last two slaves          nil         +1
Returning the villagers goods            15         +1
General Role playing by all parties         15         +1
The Dwarf quality role playing          nil         +2

« Last Edit: 04 January 2014, 21:03:10 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #3 on: 04 January 2014, 21:04:07 »

The honour issue....


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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