So I finally got off my collective backside and have spent way too many hours on creating a virtual offline BBBB to work the kinks out of upgrading to SMF2.0.13. The work is on-going but so far it looks to be not too bad, the upgrade takes a bit of time but was relatively painless.
Finding updates or equivalents to the mods we are using has taken a bit longer

Going forward we will have a lot of the stuff we had before but not all or different takes on how to achieve a similar result. For you guys you should see s cleaner, faster code base with some new features to explore and enjoy.
I had hoped to avoid making any manual edits on the back end but sadly to keep some of the nicer "look and feel" elements I will need to frankenstien some code to make stuff work. Hopefully this will be minimal and not cause any undue problems going forward.
Upside I will have an offline environment to play with new features which means I should never break the live site x-fingers!

I couldn't find a designed theme I liked so I have handmade a similar theme to the BBBB Theme (Default) used here and there will be the default theme for SMF2 available as well. I will change the gfx a bit on both but they should be sufficient for most use cases. There is a version of the Enterprise theme but it is not perfect and I'm not sure I have the time to maintain 3 different themes if anything in the future requires hand-edits to their code.
I will post an announcement when I plan to swap over and the Forum will be placed in maintenance mode during the transition. Everyone will be reset to use the default theme in oder for you to be able to see anything post the upgrade but you will have the option to swap once you get back on.
As always please be vigilant in letting me know any quirks, glitches or problems and I will do my best to rectify them, sadly this will be a one-way trip so once I have converted I really won't be trying to reverse it. This should mean any updates to the core software needed to run the forum, SQL and PHP, should not break us. I will also start looking at and testing SMF 2.1 which will be the next iteration of the software with a view to going live once it has a release candidate, still in beta test at the moment, providing this update does not break me