Now you might have guessed I am a bit of a
Douglas Adams fan so I was really looking forward to to this program.
I understood going in that every time his works move genre there is a change in story but not character, I also had read the information from the production team saying it was not going to be an adaption of the book.
Let me start by saying that I liked it, I didn't love it but I liked it. The captured the essence of the characters and the way Dirk works but the cuts and changes for me took the soul out of the story. I like the homage to the electric monk by notes on the whiteboard but feel an important element had been sacrificed. In fact a lot of the story has been changed or dropped due to budgetry issues rather than being unfilmable. They hint that more aspects may be brought in if the series is commissioned but I feel that may be too little too late.
I mean they hint at the Fridge but never really explain it leaving fans screaming at the TV - why bring it up if you are not going to explain all and non fans just confused.
This was a good attempt but flawed for me, I will wait and see if they get a series to see if they can redeem themselves but feel they tried valiantly to do this in a small budget but ultimately failed to capture the richness and craziness behind characters.