Cyberpunk 2020 and the other editions of that game all apparently contained something called a 'lifepath generator', that allowed DM's and PC's to come up with involved backstories randomly. It sounded a pretty good idea, so I scratched around and found a couple of versions on the net.
Lifepath GeneratorBasic version, pretty much just the stuff from the Cyberpunk books as far as I know. Creates interesting people in seconds, with
reasonably transferable stuff, should be quite useful for similar games.
Post-Cyberpunk Lifepath GeneratorThe second one here is more comprehensive, but a little clunkier having been built in flash. It has several selectable 'Genres', including Fantasy-Punk (ala shadowrun perhaps?), post-cyberpunk and more.
Worth a click around simply for the lulz available, but may actually come in handy for someone, so here they are.