The company managed to fight off the Stirges without disturbing any more, at least until Thorn swung through the startled and still disturbed flock of them in the cavern below after he had fallen from the narrow ledge around the open pit. Fortunately he was roped up and only drew the attention of one of the creatures and the two stout Dwarf Henchmen managed to pull him up before any harm was done. Except to Thorns composure as he showed great reluctance to continue exploring the Halls of Quasqueton or attempting to recover the still missing Estroval.
Whilst the rest of the company returned to the trophy room door Thorn sent off the two dwarves to fetch Eshlin who had run off again during the stirge attack. Before deciding to do it himself having ascertained to his own satisfaction that the whole Trophy room was a deadly trap. This was backed up by Nigel who in a fit of Arcane brilliance "saw" enchantments every where in the room.
So with the Party split the exploration continued beyond the Trophy room which proved relatively harmless despite both Thorn & Nigel's opinions, but no one touched a thing in the room. moving through a further crude door this half of the company found itself in a maze of passages which eventual lead to Roghan's Gymnasium and training room.
To be continued.......