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Author Topic: Star Trek Adventures - Captain's Log = USS Windsor  (Read 11374 times)
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Burton Delvers

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« on: 08 September 2023, 12:14:51 »

Welcome to Star Trek Adventures: Captain's Log (story telling game)

I am trying out the Modiphius' Star Trek story telling game and if anyone wants to add details to the story as it plays out feel free to post or message me.

This is new to me so I am still figuring it out.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 08 September 2023, 12:45:12 »

I have generated a lead character for the story.

Captain Ryan Awell
Traits: Human, Works for Section 31

Control: 9, Daring: 10, Fitness: 9, Insight: 8, Presence: 10, Reason: 8
Command: 5, Conn: 2, Engineering: 3, Security: 2, Medical: 2, Science: 2
Coordinate Efforts, Deflector Operations, Manufacturing, Pickpocketing, Percussive Maintenance, Strategy/Tactics
" In space we must all work together to survive"
"Never order a crew member to do something, I wouldn't do myself"
"I have seen and dealt with many things in my career, nothing can surprise me"
"Section 31, use me for necessary evils to protect the Federation" - Challenged

  • Born and raised on Starbase 72.
    Joined Starfleet to fulfill a natural drive to explore.
    Specialized in Tactics and Strategies at Starfleet Academy.
    His room mate at the Academy Ben Garrett was a keen stage magician and taught Ryan how to pick pockets.
    Has served in Starfleet for 30 years (as of 2381).
    Whilst serving on the USS Edinburgh, discovered an alien artefact that when activated was industrial fabricator, that enabled the colonists on Aristol III to establish their colony and support nearby colonies.
    Assisted Admiral Joyce Hossack in forming a shadowy cabal in Starfleet to facilitate the needs of Section 31.
    Assigned to the USS Windsor in 2381 as Commanding officer.
« Last Edit: 09 September 2023, 17:23:30 by Arnu » Logged
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 08 September 2023, 12:59:40 »

The USS Windsor is a Sovereign class vessel NCC-52922

Comms: 10
Computers: 09
Engines: 10
Sensors: 10
Structure: 09
Weapons: 10

Command: 04 - Commanding Officer Captain Ryan Atwell; Executive Officer CMDR (as yet unnamed)
Conn: 05 - Flight Controller LT-CMDR Emma O'Connell, Operations Manager ENS Akio Baker
Engineering: 02 - Chief Engineer LT (JG) (as yet unnamed)
Security: 03 - Chief of Security LT (as yet unnamed)
Medicine: 02 - Chief Medical Officer LT (JG) Maphon
Science: 03 - Science Officer LT Jin Sora

Federation Starship
Legacy Vessel (Second ship to bare the name)

Deluxe Galley
High Resolution Sensors
Improved Hull Integrity
Improved Impulse Drive
Improved Power Systems
Improved Shield Recharge

« Last Edit: 09 September 2023, 17:29:33 by Arnu » Logged
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #3 on: 08 September 2023, 13:14:41 »

Episode 1.1 - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

I have generated the mission concept (listed below) and an opening Captain's log

From there I need to figure out what happens in act one (of three) to move the story forward.

Mission Type: Escort and evacuation (attending a congratulatory celebration for a successful  mission)

Theme/Incident: Build/Energy Being (I have taken this and put it in to a sentence - Build a subspace matrix to stabilize the emergence of an energy being) - I have taken this as the event that is being celebrated

The complication is Conflicting Orders (The situation is made tense when orders are received that make the crew have to decide between pursuing their stated mission goals or obeying orders)

I have created an NPC who his hosting the event
Admiral Kenton Smith
Traits: Supremacy
Goal: Earn someone's love
Tactics: Grandiose show
Outlook: Welcoming

The energy Life form is
Evolved from a carbon based life form
based on Lepton energy/radiation

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the captain's log or things that could happen in act one feel free to let me know.

Burton Delvers

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« Reply #4 on: 08 September 2023, 16:37:23 »

Episode 1.1 - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain's Log - Stardate 58102.4

I have been ordered to attend a function at Starbase 277 by Admiral Smith to celebrate the rebirth of Enshara Taugh'noh, who has evolved from a carbon based life-form to an energy based being of unknown abilities.

My crew were instrumental in forming a subspace matrix to help Enshara complete her transfiguration in to her new form.

I am required to attend this function but, I admit I do not share the same enthusiasm as Admiral Smith.

End log.

(next act one)
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #5 on: 08 September 2023, 19:29:15 »

Act I Scene I - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain Atwell transports on board Starbase 277 where he is greeted by Admiral Smith.

Something about Admiral Smith's demeanor is a little off.  I ask some probing questions about the celebration and about Enshara.

I roll 2d20 against Insight+Command = 13 (rolled 17,19); this generates threat (Subspace; wormhole)

As Admiral Smith angers at Atwell's  scrutiny of his attitude suddenly he glows with energy and the starbase disappears from around me.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #6 on: 08 September 2023, 19:52:13 »

Act I, Scene II - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

On board the USS Windsor LT Jin Sora spots an emergency signal identifying it as Captain Atwell's Combadge ,  realizing that the Captain is in space without a EVA suit, she initiates a site to site transport to rescue the Captain and transport him straight to sickbay.

As LT Jin Sora (Bajoran Science Officer doesn't have any stats, I will add those after the episode) I will use the ship stats to give us the results of the of the transport.  Using Sensors + Medicine = 12 (rolling 1 & 12), this gives us momentum). Danger revealed (Computer Archive search turns up danger)

Sickbay acknowledges the safe arrival of Captain Atwell.

LT Jin sets about examining the results of the sensor readings on the captain, finding that the Captain has heightened lepton radiation levels, with indicators that show that he has been attacked by a Saronite (a parasitical energy species that inhabits a corporeal host).

Burton Delvers

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« Reply #7 on: 08 September 2023, 20:05:39 »

I have found the character creation in play, I will use this to create LT Jin

I get to choose a name, rank and role (taken from act II), then assign an array of attributes (modified by the character's species); assign an array for disciplines (but only the two most relevant

LT Jin Sora; Science Officer

Traits: Bajoran

Control: 10, Daring: 11, Fitness: 8, Insight: 10, Presence: 7. Reason: 10

Engineering: 3, Science: 5

"hesitation costs lives"
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #8 on: 08 September 2023, 21:01:52 »

Act I - Scene 3 = A celebration of life (but know as we know it)

Chief medical officers log (LT (JG) Maphon)

Shaka lost to the ocean; Harik's gentle hand guides; Mokla returns in triumph

Translated to Federation Standard from Tamarian

After the emergency transport of Captain Atwell, I was able to stabilize and treat his injuries and the Captain was able to return to active duty.

Using the ship's computers + Medicine = 11 (rolled 7 & 16) a straight success
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #9 on: 08 September 2023, 21:12:16 »

As with LT Jin I am going to use the character creation in play to create LT (JG) Maphon

LT (JG) Maphon

Traits: Tamarian (Child of Tamar)

Control: 9, Daring: 9, Fitness: 7, Insight: 10, Presence: 10, Reason: 11

Medicine: 4, Science: 4

"Always help those in need"
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #10 on: 08 September 2023, 21:39:49 »

Act I - Scene IV - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain Ryan Atwell returns to the bridge from sickbay, requests that the Starbase ops be contacted

I am using the probability matrix to see if they are able to respond; putting the chance at 50/50 (roll 14)

There is no response reports ENS Baker

To find out why there is no response I have rolled on the damage chart showing critical damage to life support.

ENS Baker adds the Starbases' life support if off line their are myriad weak life signs throughout the station.

LT Jin adds that there is strong readings of Lepton radiation coming from the starbase.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #11 on: 08 September 2023, 21:49:45 »

Act I - Scene V - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain's log Supplemental
Almost an instant after my bridge crew informed me of the situation on Starbase 277, I received a priority one transmission from Starfleet. 

Admiral Joyce Hossack informs me that the energy being should be encased in a warp bubble immediately.  She neglected to point out that doing so would make saving the survivors on the Starbase impossible.

Section 31 are behind these orders, do I follow them and damn the survivors or take matters in to my own hands?  I don't have much time to decide.

(End of Act I)
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #12 on: 09 September 2023, 16:29:47 »

Act II - Scene I - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain's log supplemental continued.

I cannot stand by and allow so many lives to be lost, I can not accept Section 31's orders.  I need to rescue the survivors before capturing the energy being "Enshara"

I have challenged one of Captain Ryan's values "Section 31, use me for necessary evils to protect the Federation" this gives us momentum to drive the story forward.  (Momentum Refuge (Enemy sensor blind spot)).  At the end of the episode I will need to re-evaluate the value I challenged

My senior staff have identified an approach where we will be shielded from detection from "Enshara", it will put the Windsor in danger but we should be able to rescue the survivors before they air runs out.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #13 on: 09 September 2023, 17:04:03 »

Act II - Scene II - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

LT-CMDR Emma O'Connell flights the ship in to position, ready for the beam out

Using Engines+Conn = 15 (rolled: 10 & 18) as we have improved impulse drive talent we get to roll for an advantage.  Helpful species - Advanced

LT Jin reports that the life signals have mysteriously strengthened, and the transporter rooms are ready to transport the survivors.

Using Computer+Engineering =11 (and High resolution sensors talent) (rolled 11 & 11), success and an advantage: Inspiring Vista

A feel of relief and elation goes through the crew as it is reported that all life signs have been transported from the starbase to the main shuttlebay of the Windsor, where Dr Maphon and the triage teams are waiting.

Early indications are that there are many who are minorly injured and only a few are majorly injured.  But the medical department has it's work cut out.

Burton Delvers

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« Reply #14 on: 09 September 2023, 17:10:55 »

Act II - Scene III - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain's Log supplemental continued.

We have successfully rescued the survivors from Starbase 277.  Admiral Smith was not amongst those who were beamed to the Windsor.

We are now ready to commence the plan to capture the entity that was Enshara.
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