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Topic: Dr Who (Read 7674 times)
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Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Dr Who
05 October 2014, 20:55:29 »
We've had a couple of almost decent episodes of Dr Who, the school one was ok but spoilt again with another of those awful child like arguments.
The dialogue being written is at times truly awful but with this last episode it was almost good. It actually felt darker but I'm just not getting the gravitas from the Dr you'd expect. He's got centuries of experience, has saved countless lives and faced numerous enemy's yet this series he comes across as nieve rather than powerful or knowledgeable.
They seem to be writing the heart out of Dr Who. I can only hope and pray that the last few episodes get better and that the series arc also proves to be a worthy effort.
The sad thing is that I no longer have that excitement waiting for the next instalment but just watching in the hope of something better.
Shame this should be the jewel in the crown of British Sci Fi
<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>
Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Re: Dr Who
Reply #1 on:
20 July 2015, 00:10:28 »
Well I'm not sure they got that much better and I was left disappointed with the last series.
I had hopes that second season in for the Doctor would be a chance to pull things back from the brink and take it where it had the promise to go. Sadly the promo real and leaked information shows that once again the Daleks are being wheeled out.
I get that they are an Iconic villain in the Who'verse but for the love of all things good and great how many times are we going to have the Daleks wiped out to near extinction to be resurrected to then destroy .... etc etc.
Writers please please just give it a rest now they are done try something NEW and original.... Where was the progression on the Gallefray story arc, maybe go there for S9, I really want to enjoy Who it's been a staple of my SciFi TV life but I'm loosing faith under this current tenure it feels like when it was pulled from our screens the last time. The scripts are not living up to the obvious talent being placed in key roles and that is a sad thing to see again.
I hope I am wrong and that this new series proves me wrong and is a perfect storm of story and character but we'll have to see....
<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>
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Burton Delvers
Karma: 28
Posts: 673
Re: Dr Who
Reply #2 on:
20 July 2015, 16:11:56 »
Haven't seen any promo real and I tend to avoid leaked information, but the Dalek's making an appearance is no surprise. They have to use them every so often at a minimum just to keep the rights to them, so they're always going to pop up now and then.
But, you know. There's nothing saying you have to like or watch modern Dr Who. It might just be that it's too different a show to what you fell in love with, or simply that you have had your fill. I feel you on Gallifrey though, I'm ready for Timelords to be a thing again, for the epic collars if nothing else.
Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Re: Dr Who
Reply #3 on:
20 July 2015, 16:18:32 »
Yeah the outlandish costumes were fab and the story arcs messing with the Dr's plans or meddling ineptly thereby enhancing DR Who rebellious stance..
Ahh nostalgia.......
Still there are plenty of other sci-Fi shows so if this ends up a bust I'll just have to get my fill elsewhere....
<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>
Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Re: Dr Who
Reply #4 on:
15 November 2021, 02:57:52 »
So the latest series sees a return to a season long story as the main focus rather than the episodic with hints at an overall arc that we have seen before.
I wanted this, original Who had loads of these stories and they were good back then.
Sadly the modern era Who has lost the plot, this season seems to be a chaotic mess of half-stories with no context making it extremely hard to follow. Why should I care about any of these characters when I am given no context on which to hang any potential investment.?
This is looking like a sad end to another Great Dr Who actors stint in the role. Poor show.
I can only hope any of it makes some sense by the end but I am struggling to want to stay watching to find out.
It feels like the current showrunner is scuppering the ship before he dragged off it. I hope I am wrong and that this is all just an over elaborate plot that just fails to understand the target audience
<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>
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