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Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 1
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Topic: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 1 (Read 3657 times)
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Great Old One
Karma: 29
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 1
24 June 2009, 18:40:20 »
Dramatis personae
Tiki Male Drow warlord fortress commander
Dat Hobgoblin fighter hobgoblin platoon Commander
Morighan Female Drow Cleric arcane advisor
NPC's & possible future player characters
Goblin rogue
Male Drow fighter
Hobgoblin great weapon fighter
Drow ranger
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 1
Reply #1 on:
25 June 2009, 02:13:56 »
Events of the session started in the ward room of the keep, of the spire at the regular staff meeting
here there was a certain feeling of deja vu as the second in command read through the reports and every one else wondered why the chief scout <Drow Ranger> had not managed to put in an appearance for the meeting and why Zylgig the personable if slightly mad wizard who had been arcane advisor had been replaced by a priestess of Lolth so suddenly. The arrival of the political scout <Goblin Rogue> was as usual barely noticed as it came in and took its place at the commanders right hand. The second in command finished his report or rather halted to take breath and the goblin thinking him finished butted in an gave its report in a voice both husky and a bit squeaky. There was nothing to report it said the Hobgoblin lords where massing for war as ordered by there Drow overlords and the goblins where up to no more than their usual petty schemes none of which should be of any concern to the mighty Drow.
There was a faint tremor but so faint that no one noticed
The second in command shot the squat robed goblin a withering look and continued to drone on with his report. The Hobgoblin sergeants shifted in there chairs both creatures of action, not sitting in meetings especially ones where they where strictly observers.
there was another tremor not quite so faint and again no one noticed
The second in commands seemingly interminable report droned on as the commander and Arcane advisor exchanged looks he wondering why she had been sent and what it might portend to have a priestess of Lolth in such a place and seemingly under his command. She distinctly unhappy about being subordinate to a male of a lesser house and half wondering what twist of high temple politics or plot had put her in such a position.
There was another tremor unmistakable now and some of the render fell from the roof
The second in command alone did not seem to notice and carried on reading though no one was even pretending to be paying attention.
There was a fourth tremor quite violent and the render on the walls cracked and even the second in command noticed and stopped looking to his superiors utterly confused.
The commander noticed that the wall at the end of the ward room was bulging outwards and that the bulge was growing. He barked orders and the Priestess of Lolth not about to start taking orders from a male left the room to look out of the keeps windows to see if there was any thing else going on outside. Every one else took up a defensive stance facing the bulging wall.
The bulge got bigger and then collapsed into the room revealing a huge armoured snout. The commander shouted orders and the Hobgoblin Sergeants actually having something to do rushed to confront the creature striking at it with there axes. As the axes glanced off the armoured snout striking only spikes the second in command drew his sword and dithered as the goblin rogue moved to be as far away from it as possible with out looking to cowardly. Running back to see what the fuss was behing her the priestess of Lolth hurled caustic web at the creature missing etching a chunk out of the little render which survived on that wall.
The creature did not attack back but dived into the floor with a shower of stones as if the floor where water there was a pause.
Then the creature erupted from the floor right by the Commander second in command and the rather shocked Goblin rogue who thought it was well out of harms way.
More orders where shouted and there was a brief desperate struggle as no weapon seemed to have much effect on the monsters thick stone carapace and its stone cutting maw seemed to have no trouble causing terrible wounds to its assailants. The Goblin rogue managed to manoeuvre around the creature and make good its escape, whilst the hobgoblin Sergeants directed by the commander took the brunt of the attack. The commander noticed there was now a tunnel were the bulge had been and disengaging partly blocked it with the wardroom table in time to stop a small horde of feral looking goblins who where attempting to enter by it.
Last Edit: 28 June 2009, 15:40:33 by EvilGinger
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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