Here is my report on the 25th #BeerandPretzels Weekend, for Saturday 17th
The day started early as we had to get up and take the pooch for a good walk as he would be indoors all day.
Plus we had to get into the hall early as we needed to deck our table out in birthday banners as one of our friends had a 'special' birthday that day

The day started with a game of Zombology, which is a game in progress by Jackson Pope. This was quite a good looking prototype and it plays really well and we all provided some feedback on how we felt it played. Honestly I would definately play this again and I will be keeping tabs on its progress.
The next game on the table was
Elder Sign I really like this game but we did end up playing this with about 6 or 7 people. Being a fan of all of the Arkham games and having played them a lot over the last few years I can recommend that though they all suggest 1-8 players it is best not to go above 5. With more than 5 you risk longer game times and, depending on the players, player downtime. This particular game was with Azathoth as the God and things went downhill pretty rapidly, with us nearly losing an adventurer but ultimately we lost as the only card with an Elder Sign also had the last Doom token needed to end the world!!!... It was not going to be our day to save the world

After people had taken a quick[ish] lunch we moved onto
Las Vegas a dice game which is easy to pick up and quick to play. There are a number of Casino's (1-6) and each player in turn rolls a set of their coloured dice. Grouping these dice into same numbers the player decides which number to use and how many of that numbered dice to place on the corresponding casino. Play continues until all dice are placed with players able to add additional dice later to where they have placed before. When completed the player with the modt dice on each Casino wins that payout, if there is more than one payout then the next most gets the next and so on. End of the game the player with the most money wins. This was great fun to play and I would certainly be willing to give this another go sometime.

The next game was
Il Vecchio which is an excellent game based on the City of Florence and the power struggle of the various families as they try and wrench power from the Medici empire to rule this powerful province. This is a nice game to teach as it not overly complicated but there is a lot of meaningful choices to make here. As always the final scores were reasonably close and everyone looked to have enjoyed the experience. I did manage to forget and get wrong some rules, which I blame on my bad cold as well as my nerves on the day. I forgot to act on the first Medici Crest by a moving the cost marker on the tiles and the action on the crest itself. That said it was not a huge game changer, as it more or less effected everyone equally. I have managed quite a few plays of this game now, with varying numbers of players, and I have really enjoyed each one. I hope to get this back to the table again soon at a Wed Night session but there is always a lot of game choices on those nights

Next up was
Gear and Piston I really like this game which pits you as one of the unsung engineer's of the auto-mobile trying to win investment for your prototype against other engineers. The sad thing for the players around the table this time was that for the second game of the day I taught I botched the rules description. The complete first turn was wrong as I got confused about putting out the action tokens and when to take the actions. The other mistakes were the First player moves to the last player to place a token in the workshop, not how I described it

and finally I failed to put the scoring over correctly with the usual strategy tips I give to new players. This is a shame as this game is really great fun and armed with the right knowledge up-front players can avoid some of the pitfalls this game can throw at you at your first attempts. Hopefully everyone will give this game a second chance somewhere before deciding if this is a game for them or not. I can only apologies for doing such a poor job of putting this game across.
In the game you compete for the best parts as well as scavenging the junk yards in order to put your vehicle together with the right criteria to meet your investors exacting needs. You can visit the back alley to do deals to further your cause, at the cost of actions in later turns. Planning is key and rushing for the shiny new parts can end the game quicker than you expected leaving you to finish your vehicle with scrap in order to have it ready in time. Great game which scales well and is quite fun to play but brutal to learn the right strategy.
Next we played a game of
Speicherstadt This is a neat little game with good quality components and deceptively simple gameplay.
Players represent the head of a large trading house in Hambug's warehouse district, the Speicherstadt. Cards are placed on the board for from left to right, one more than there are players, and these are what the players will bid on.
The various cards throughout the four seasons of the game represent container Ships with goods, contracts that need to be filled by certain goods, Traders who can sell your goods, Firemen and other special cards. Some of these cards count towards your VP score at the end of the game. Well I opted for the no fireman options, as I was beaten early to those, but despite starting the final scoring at -10 I managed a respectable score having scored all my contracts.

Finally, as we only had a bit of time left before going for the now Traditional Chinese meal on Saturday night, we played a game of what I think was called
Raj or "Hol's der Geier" well this was explained and played within 5 mins which was really good fun. Players have an identical set of cards numbered 1-15 and use these to bid on cards for points. The points cards are both positive and negative scores so you have to be careful when you use your cards or you'll get stuck with points you do not want. Really enjoyed this game its quick and easy to pick up so I would not turn down a chance to play this again.