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Author Topic: Video Blogs - Are they better than more traditional content  (Read 5165 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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« on: 30 May 2014, 13:57:06 »

So for a long time people posted blogs, messages etc. about their favourite topics using pictures and words. Now we are starting to see a rise in the use of VideoBlogs or Vblog/Vlogs for all sorts of topics including game reviews / Walthroughs as well as reports on events and all manner of other topics.

Now maybe I am old fashioned or just old and grumpy but I find the traditional messages, on the whole, more coherent and useful than compared to these new breed of posts.

There are exceptions of course, in both camps, but for me there is such a vast chasm of difference in the quality of Video Blogs that I question whether they really are the wave of the future. I use quite a few video posts to help me with research into games and they can be useful, don't get me wrong. My problem lies with people that seem to have a lack of any friends or followers that point out they should actually spend sometime EDITING their content before posting.

I have seen some recently where there are sound sync problems, volume swings and huge background noise issues or poor mike usage. Some of these could be corrected or at least excised with a little bit of post production work but there just seems to be some people who think record and post is all they need to do. When you look at the quality of the videos produced by the high-end of the amateur scene you can see how good it can be when you spend a little time and effort.

There is always a place for everyone in any corner of the internet, I also have the utmost respect for anyone brave enough to put themselves in front of the camera but please please for you own dignity watch this stuff back before you post it and if it has issues don't post regardless edit it better or write it off as a lost opportunity and move on.

I have often thought could I produce some kind of video content to enhance my Online work but to be honest I don't have the right quality equipment or the time to invest in proper editing and vetting of the content so will probably remain a message writer.

I think overall I prefer the written word, as for the most part people have had to think more about what they type, whereas on a video people can tend to ramble more or go further off-topic. Things will improve I'm sure as technology improves and people get more used to producing video content but it still feels too young with too many people thinking they can produce content without any form of quality control.


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Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #1 on: 03 June 2014, 08:42:13 »

I love me some gaming videos! Whether its a 'lets play', a Twitch stream or a MTG deck building video, i am a big fan of amateur video content. I agree that quality varies, but i find this inevitable. The nature of amateur video means that some people will just 'have a go', or bash out something to post on their site.

I guess it could be frustrating when a video almost lives up to expectations and you would want more, - but for some production issue that nags you so much you can't stand it. I personally have this problem with a couple of audio podcasts.

As for people not correcting these glaring problems, i guess the producers have different standards and expectations of what makes suitable content, even though most of their viewers would more likely want something better.  thumbs up

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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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« Reply #2 on: 03 June 2014, 09:37:40 »

Yeah, maybe I'm just getting too fussy in my old age, but for the video I'm thinking off there was some glaring audio issues, making sections of it useless as you could not make out what was said.

The other personal pet hate is unboxing videos!?!?! why what is the point I know what's in the box I can read the contents on the back of box or look it up on the manufacturers website. These don't add value or help you decide if the product is any good, review it yes, tell me how it works or plays or tastes etc. etc. but just taking the bits out of the box and rambling on about what the bits looks like no point in my eyes.

Well the Video Blog is here to stay to be honest but lets hope that as more better produced content gets out there the people that don't want to bother either get forced to up their game or drop out as people migrate to other better produced material.

hmm maybe I need some Coffee before I post stuff  Dont Know  Grin



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Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #3 on: 03 June 2014, 18:12:22 »

I think a lot of your points are very valid actually. I have to disagree with your preference for the written word as i am personally unconcerned with my medium of media.

As for unboxing videos, i also must say i don't like them. I guess what proponents of box-opening would say is that 'it is not for you'. People will fetishize anything and the world will provide a market for it.

However, graphic designers of box art aim to make the box look appealing and other designers actually aim to make opening the box an interesting experience sometimes. Maybe box opening videos highlight the design work put in place, even if it is done in an amateurish manner.

I also agree that if a persons video content or production sucks, then odds are that people will go elsewhere and the producer may be forced to make a decision. COFFEE IS HOWEVER, ALWAYS REQUIRED!  Grin

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #4 on: 03 July 2014, 16:37:26 »

for most purposes they are not that useful unless in parallel to a written blog


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