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Ah. So I`m a Masochist on a diet am i?. - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: 26th Beer & Pretzels  (Read 2598 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 08 June 2015, 16:06:24 »

Well another Beer & Pretzels is over and it was another fantastic event as ever.

There were some decent beers on tap and the Car Parking was free again, although there is less car park as before owing to the council selling some of it off for the new Academy being built in part of the building.

This year the Bring & Buy was the largest I have ever seen it, in fact they ended up spreading it over 3 or 4 tables in the end. I managed to sell most of the stuff I brought with me, which was good, enabling me to get some new games.. Smiley

We got there a little later then normal so ended up in the main room rather than on one of the round tables in the alcoves, which actually was not that bad as the light is better there than some of the alcoves.
Next year we were thinking of going to the one of the back rooms, assuming they are hired, as they seemed a lot quieter and better lighting.

I got a chance to catch up with old friends and play some fun games, some new, some old which is always good. I have left it too late to recount all the games I played and how they went but there should be some pictures in the galleries below:

Saturdays Gallery:

Sundays Gallery:


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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