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HHGG Quote:
Seems a strange way to relate to somebody you`ve got nothing against, killing them all the time. Very curious piece of social interaction, I would call that. - Agrajag
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 on: 08 September 2023, 16:37:23 
Started by Arnu - Last post by Arnu
Episode 1.1 - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

Captain's Log - Stardate 58102.4

I have been ordered to attend a function at Starbase 277 by Admiral Smith to celebrate the rebirth of Enshara Taugh'noh, who has evolved from a carbon based life-form to an energy based being of unknown abilities.

My crew were instrumental in forming a subspace matrix to help Enshara complete her transfiguration in to her new form.

I am required to attend this function but, I admit I do not share the same enthusiasm as Admiral Smith.

End log.

(next act one)

 on: 08 September 2023, 13:14:41 
Started by Arnu - Last post by Arnu
Episode 1.1 - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)

I have generated the mission concept (listed below) and an opening Captain's log

From there I need to figure out what happens in act one (of three) to move the story forward.

Mission Type: Escort and evacuation (attending a congratulatory celebration for a successful  mission)

Theme/Incident: Build/Energy Being (I have taken this and put it in to a sentence - Build a subspace matrix to stabilize the emergence of an energy being) - I have taken this as the event that is being celebrated

The complication is Conflicting Orders (The situation is made tense when orders are received that make the crew have to decide between pursuing their stated mission goals or obeying orders)

I have created an NPC who his hosting the event
Admiral Kenton Smith
Traits: Supremacy
Goal: Earn someone's love
Tactics: Grandiose show
Outlook: Welcoming

The energy Life form is
Evolved from a carbon based life form
based on Lepton energy/radiation

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the captain's log or things that could happen in act one feel free to let me know.

 on: 08 September 2023, 12:59:40 
Started by Arnu - Last post by Arnu
The USS Windsor is a Sovereign class vessel NCC-52922

Comms: 10
Computers: 09
Engines: 10
Sensors: 10
Structure: 09
Weapons: 10

Command: 04 - Commanding Officer Captain Ryan Atwell; Executive Officer CMDR (as yet unnamed)
Conn: 05 - Flight Controller LT-CMDR Emma O'Connell, Operations Manager ENS Akio Baker
Engineering: 02 - Chief Engineer LT (JG) (as yet unnamed)
Security: 03 - Chief of Security LT (as yet unnamed)
Medicine: 02 - Chief Medical Officer LT (JG) Maphon
Science: 03 - Science Officer LT Jin Sora

Federation Starship
Legacy Vessel (Second ship to bare the name)

Deluxe Galley
High Resolution Sensors
Improved Hull Integrity
Improved Impulse Drive
Improved Power Systems
Improved Shield Recharge

 on: 08 September 2023, 12:45:12 
Started by Arnu - Last post by Arnu
I have generated a lead character for the story.

Captain Ryan Awell
Traits: Human, Works for Section 31

Control: 9, Daring: 10, Fitness: 9, Insight: 8, Presence: 10, Reason: 8
Command: 5, Conn: 2, Engineering: 3, Security: 2, Medical: 2, Science: 2
Coordinate Efforts, Deflector Operations, Manufacturing, Pickpocketing, Percussive Maintenance, Strategy/Tactics
" In space we must all work together to survive"
"Never order a crew member to do something, I wouldn't do myself"
"I have seen and dealt with many things in my career, nothing can surprise me"
"Section 31, use me for necessary evils to protect the Federation" - Challenged

  • Born and raised on Starbase 72.
    Joined Starfleet to fulfill a natural drive to explore.
    Specialized in Tactics and Strategies at Starfleet Academy.
    His room mate at the Academy Ben Garrett was a keen stage magician and taught Ryan how to pick pockets.
    Has served in Starfleet for 30 years (as of 2381).
    Whilst serving on the USS Edinburgh, discovered an alien artefact that when activated was industrial fabricator, that enabled the colonists on Aristol III to establish their colony and support nearby colonies.
    Assisted Admiral Joyce Hossack in forming a shadowy cabal in Starfleet to facilitate the needs of Section 31.
    Assigned to the USS Windsor in 2381 as Commanding officer.

 on: 08 September 2023, 12:14:51 
Started by Arnu - Last post by Arnu
Welcome to Star Trek Adventures: Captain's Log (story telling game)

I am trying out the Modiphius' Star Trek story telling game and if anyone wants to add details to the story as it plays out feel free to post or message me.

This is new to me so I am still figuring it out.

 on: 07 September 2023, 20:46:02 
Started by RSSFeeder - Last post by RSSFeeder
Upgraded Xeno Scanner Requires Resources

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Aegis aims to provide an update to the pulse wave xeno scanner that can locate captive humans on Thargoid Titans.

Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance's scientific liaison to Aegis, informed the media about the project:

"Information provided by Seo Jin-ae suggests that people abducted by the Thargoids are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships inside 'pods'. This theory makes sense - since Thargoid atmospheres are toxic to humans, any captives are surely sealed in an environment that meets their respiratory and nutritional needs."

"The pulse wave xeno scanner has been modified by Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians, working in concert using Aegis's communications protocols. The module's electromagnetic pulse technology aims to identify these pods by detecting several key markers generated by living humans."

"A broader effort to prepare for humanitarian rescue efforts is underway, but we have encountered a shortage of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. Shipments of these materials are urgently required to support the crews onboard rescue megaships in its vital work."

Contributors are asked to transport these commodities to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. The CD-51 1447 Imperial Society has agreed to coordinate the enterprise on behalf of Aegis, and will protect deliveries by redeeming bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system.
Source: Upgraded Xeno Scanner Requires Resources

 on: 07 September 2023, 13:46:03 
Started by RSSFeeder - Last post by RSSFeeder
Rescue Megaships Scheduled to Redeploy

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

The eleven megaships coordinating evacuation efforts from Thargoid-invaded systems are set to move over the next few weeks.

Military analysis of the current front line has highlighted that the distance between active conflict areas and the megaships can be decreased with an acceptably low degree of risk. Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, part of the Imperial delegation to Aegis, offered this comment:

"Shortening the distance between systems which require humanitarian support and the megaships responsible for coordinating that support is important. Until now we have urged caution to maintain their current safe positions, since these vessels are obvious targets for Thargoid attack. But as our brave pilots continue to regain territory and push the alien forces back, we feel confident that this is the right decision."

From September 7th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 14th, with missions offered once again:

Rescue Ship Foerster

Rescue Ship Hutner

Rescue Ship Seacole

Rescue Ship Yoshida

Allied Solace

From September 14th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 21st, with missions offered once again:

Rescue Ship Bertschinger

Rescue Ship Cavell

Rescue Ship Cornwallis

Rescue Ship Kisseih

Imperial Sanctum

Federal Haven

Any ships or modules stored on the rescue megaships will be transported safely to the new location.
Source: Rescue Megaships Scheduled to Redeploy

 on: 05 September 2023, 19:46:25 
Started by RSSFeeder - Last post by RSSFeeder
Wallglass to Probe Rackham's Past

The Federal Times has hired the Wallglass Investigations Agency to prove that presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once a pirate lord.

Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long claimed that the business magnate obtained his initial fortune via piracy. Wallglass, an independent firm that is much respected in the intelligence community, is seeking evidence to validate this accusation.

Harlan Turk, Rackham's running mate in the election, has lobbied for Congress to halt the investigation. He asserted: "The Federal Times is breaching the impartiality rules of journalism, and violating the security measures afforded to all presidential candidates." 

Political ICE-caster Sura Oyekan also voiced her objections: "This is an outrageous attack on the reputation of a respected public figure, a great man who has contributed so much to Federal commerce and culture."

There was a more speculative approach from independent journalist Flint 'Firemaker' Lafosse:

"Hiring the Wallglass Investigations Agency to dig up dirt on Zachary Rackham is a smart move, albeit an expensive one. They'll already have insights from their own detectives Gunnarson and Wolfe, who infiltrated the Jokers' Deck gambling circle and found Rackham was a member. Or was he really there to quietly fund the coup against Archon Delaine by two of his own arch-corsairs? I think we all know the answer."

"Wallglass might also have access to the finance systems of Rackham Capital Investments, which were originally acquired by a hacktivist group known as the Collective. These nameless geniuses stole a billion credits – the same amount suspiciously won by Rackham in the Federal Grand Lottery – and distributed it to former employees whose pensions had been illegally withheld. Bravo!"

"The latest rumours are that Wallglass has tracked down fellow pirate Taja Gavaris, the ex-CFO who attempted a corporate takeover. Allegedly she fled Federal space after Rackham counter-blackmailed her, but if anyone knows where the bodies are buried, it's Gavaris. I'm expecting some juicy revelations soon."
Source: Wallglass to Probe Rackham's Past

 on: 01 September 2023, 17:46:05 
Started by RSSFeeder - Last post by RSSFeeder
Aegis Leak Confirms Vanishing Populations

A private discussion among Aegis leadership regarding mass Thargoid abductions has been made public.

Recordings of Professor Alba Tesreau, Aden Tanner and Seo Jin-ae were sent to and published by all newsfeeds, including the Pilots' Federation. File data shows that their conversation took place shortly before Professor Tesreau's statement to the media on July 18th, in Alba Tesreau's office at Aegis headquarters in Duamta.

After a brief period of speculation, Seo Jin-ae herself confirmed that she released the logs. Seo indicated that rumours circulating on 'alternative ICE channels' of Aegis withholding information from the public were false, and that Tesreau intended to announce evidence of human abductions even before the Dedicant tragedy brought the news to prominence.

Ernesto Rios analysed the new information in an article for Vox Galactica:

"Leaks of classified information are nothing new, but it is rare that they support rather than damage the target organisation. According to these recordings, the topic of millions of people missing from Thargoid-invaded systems was carefully considered prior to Aegis informing the public."

"A significant revelation relates to the visions experienced by Seo Jin-ae. She tells Tesreau and Tanner: 'An image keeps repeating… Rows and rows of what I thought were eggs.' But then clarifies: 'They're pods. Containers for humans.' Seo claims that abducted people are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships. The reason remains unknown, though Seo insists the abductees are 'important to the next phase of the Thargoid invasion.'"

"Tanner then queries that Aegis might develop a way to recover these pods. We have yet to see confirmation that Aegis is investigating this possibility. But the prospect of extracting prisoners from within the fearsome Titans will only appeal to the most courageous or foolhardy pilots."
Source: Aegis Leak Confirms Vanishing Populations

 on: 01 September 2023, 17:46:05 
Started by RSSFeeder - Last post by RSSFeeder
Materials Received to Construct Duval Statues

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

A campaign by a minor Imperial Family member to deliver precious materials to Laedla has concluded.

The shipments of gold, jadeite and platinum will be used to construct statues of Duval family members, to be erected in public spaces in planetary cities across the Empire.

The project is the brainchild of Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval, who announced:

"I am deeply grateful to all the pilots who mined or transported the resources we required. Work has already begun to forge them into beautiful works of art, commemorating past Emperors and other noble holders of the Duval name."

"It is my honour to confirm the first two statues will be of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, located in the palace's central plaza on Capitol, and of Lady Florence Lavigny, placed within the main square of Topaz's capital city alongside the memorial sculpture of Emperor Hengist."

Laedla Empire Assembly is now offering payment to those who delivered the required materials to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Bounty vouchers for all wanted ships destroyed within the system will also be redeemed.
Source: Materials Received to Construct Duval Statues

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