Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: John R on 04 February 2010, 12:52:38

Title: Tuesday 9th
Post by: John R on 04 February 2010, 12:52:38

Anyone running anything next week? I have a one-off that might suit but, as I said, I might be late so if someone else has something...?



Title: Re: Tuesday 9th
Post by: Ross on 07 February 2010, 21:38:58

I have had a bit of a cold over the weekend, but hope to be there on Tuesday. I have finally got some WFRP stuff ready to go, so will bring it just in case you are late and no-one else has anything.


Title: Re: Tuesday 9th
Post by: John R on 08 February 2010, 18:59:17
Hi Ross

Since there aren't any other replies then I won't be going along tomorrow night.

Hope to see you on the 16th.



Title: Re: Tuesday 9th
Post by: Ross on 09 February 2010, 14:59:15
Hi John,

 OK- I won't bother either.

 See you next week.


Title: Re: Tuesday 9th
Post by: Zardoz on 09 February 2010, 17:19:01
Bummer !

I'm finally able to start coming along again !

See you on the 16th.

Title: Re: Tuesday 9th
Post by: BigBird on 09 February 2010, 18:03:53
I wont be able to get there either. Possible next week..