Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Adam on 30 January 2010, 23:07:41

Title: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Adam on 30 January 2010, 23:07:41
New adventure starting Tuesday, so everyone welcome. a usual sign up below.
Also ADVANCE NOTICE I won't be around 9th February or 23rd - My daughter's 3rd birthday and the musical Chicago respectively.  Any volunteers to GM

Title: Re: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Ross on 01 February 2010, 11:03:17
I'm in for tomorrow please.

Could probably GM something on the 23rd, but nothing ready enough for the 9th.



Title: Re: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 01 February 2010, 18:36:40
I can't do tomorrow guys, got some extra work to take care of.

Will be around next week though if anything is running.


Title: Re: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: John R on 01 February 2010, 23:21:44
Hi Adam

Sorry, I won't be there tomorrow.

Could make it next week but as I may be late, I wouldn't want to volunteer to run something.


Title: Re: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: BigBird on 02 February 2010, 14:29:42
Hope to be there, but in London, was expecting to be working from Home..


Title: Re: 02/02/2010 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Deebee on 02 February 2010, 15:35:40
Count me in - coming from Wokingham so might be a little late