Title: What have you played lately ? Post by: Oskar on 05 July 2014, 20:34:15 :D
Lets chat about what games have been played lately........... good, bad or indifferent. We played a card game on Wednesday called The Barons, never played it before but it was ok. Also played Revolution a bidding type game which to be honest was not my cup of tea, i didn't have enough to do and got a little bored, however I did come second more by luck than judgement. I played two good games last night, the first was Among the Stars, I have played this before and enjoyed it, I was leading for the majority of the game but was overtaken by the end of game scores of the others...... >:( Next we played Bremerhaven, a new one on me, it looked like it was going to be complicated at first and there are a lot of options to consider, you are bidding for options to get goods and ships to fulfil contracts and score prestige points, of course you have to plan your choices wisely so you get them alligned at the right time before your time clock expires...........Tricky I really liked it ;D |