Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Dark deeds in very dark places => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 25 January 2010, 07:10:22

Title: A change of Pace
Post by: EvilGinger on 25 January 2010, 07:10:22
Following the assassination of the fugitive Islllin by Lolth fanatic goblins, with the tragic death of king Rapple and his party at the hands of Prince Adishirs men and the fall of the Spire to the Dar Enkedemian Dwarves little remains but to wrap up those few lose ends which remain.


Title: Re: A change of Pace
Post by: morgalahan on 25 January 2010, 18:09:37
Confusing post is confusing. WTF?!

Title: Re: A change of Pace
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 26 January 2010, 00:13:28

Title: Re: A change of Pace
Post by: Dat on 26 January 2010, 13:42:08