Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Adam on 24 January 2010, 22:50:41

Title: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: Adam on 24 January 2010, 22:50:41
New adventure starting Tuesday.
Sign up as before.

Plus as it is (in game terms) a New Year, gain another skill point in whatever your current career is.
You can also roll for promotion (as per character gen) if you chose.

In addition increase your age by one and if you reach 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58 etc deduct one point from a physical characteristic (St, Coor, Agy, End or Char).

Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: Ross on 25 January 2010, 14:49:59
Sorry - the group will have to survive without the inspired leadership of The Earl of Titchfield (and Beachers Ford) this week.

He has to undertake the bi-annual sweep for catholics in his lands, so will be otherwise engaged!

I know it will be hard for the poor among you to find meaningful direction without the direction, purpose and scientific method instilled by your nobility, but the burden will have to be carried by Sir Percy this week.

(Actually I have a stack of work on as my boss is away skiing for a fortnight. Hope to be back in play next week)



Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: John R on 26 January 2010, 11:56:30
Hi Adam

I will be there tonight.



Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: BaldLea on 26 January 2010, 13:26:17

Can't make it again tonight, I'm afraid. Apologies for my poor attendance of late.

On the plus side, I've ordered a book about the magic of Dr Dee from the HCC intranet booksale.


Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 26 January 2010, 16:10:00
Im in for tonight.


Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: Zardoz on 26 January 2010, 16:12:52
The aptly named Percy Valiant will also be accompanying the Earl of Titchfiled on his annual roundup of Catholics. Can't have those evil doers roaming the countryside preaching about the holy trinity. Methinks The Earls' Catholic detector will definitely be going off quita a lot !

Also my apologieds for recent poor attendance. Last week was work, tonight I'm prepping to go to a games convention.

I hope to see you either next week or the week after that.


Title: Re: OHMAS 26/1/10
Post by: Deebee on 26 January 2010, 20:18:04
There will be no one to carry the bags eitherMaster Thomas Goodluck is stuck in London