Title: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 12 January 2010, 12:11:40 Given that 2nd Sat is 13th. Half term/Valentine's weekend/DB's birthday maybe another weekend would be a better Starting point?
PM Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Steve on 19 January 2010, 13:15:46 I could well be able to manage 20 or 27th, March will be out though I fear.
Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Zarniwoop on 24 January 2010, 19:44:44 Poll Posted to guage which date is suited to most people, please vote for ALL dates you would be able to make...
Thanks. Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Steve on 26 January 2010, 12:22:03 Amendment..... can't do 20th, just had Traceys college dates.. every sat till end of April ( barring one or two, one of which is the 27th!)
Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 02 February 2010, 17:08:27 Updated mine now the new rotas are out. I can do 27th so that is looking like the best day.
PM Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Steve on 13 February 2010, 18:18:54 >:( out for 27th now, have rehearsals that day .. sorry guys...
Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 15 February 2010, 12:58:04 Can we pin it down to the 27th anyway please? :)
Stuff to play will then be the next question? I need to meet up with Paul H anyway to give him a car part. (Paul can you email me the part details and I'll go and get it later in the week) Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 22 February 2010, 13:47:19 OK Who is a definate for Saturday?
I am, anyone else? PM Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 February 2010, 15:10:44 We're both available for Sat..
Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: armoured-smiler on 22 February 2010, 20:08:22 I can make the 27th as well, been a bit busy havne'y looked here for a while (we've been told that we're being outsourced on the 6th April 2010)
P.S. PM I hope you got my reply that the item has gone. Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Deebee on 22 February 2010, 20:44:03 Yep, can do the 27th. (Sorry didn't spot there was a thread running for a later in the month date)
So what game? DB Title: Re: Feb 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 25 February 2010, 08:37:41 I've not got anything ready but I could find something if needed.
I'm on earlies this week so my brain is like mush. :) PM |