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Gaming Groups => A Thousand Shattered Mirrors => Topic started by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 20 January 2010, 04:53:56

Title: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 2)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 20 January 2010, 04:53:56

The horizon burns, an ugly red smeer on the Feywild's sea of green and growing things. But even as the fire does its dreadful work, there is beauty. The dazzling heavens above, the Feywilds starry velvet cloak is shrouded delicately by the smoke of the great conflagration and painted gentle oranges by the might glow.

There are many ways to see a thing.
To perceive it is to change it.
Perhaps a little, maybe more.
Yet Fire doesn't mind;

Everything burns.


Spirit Games, 7pm onwards.

Title: Re: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 2)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 January 2010, 07:24:55
If anyone remembers what happened in any of the various sessions, feel free to post your own write-ups of stuff in these threads, by the way.

Title: Re: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 2)
Post by: Dat on 22 January 2010, 14:54:30
We were flying over a fey forest flaming on fire in my flagship.
I put the handbrake on and we absailed down into the forest like ninja pirates to read the map better.
A spikey person who was also vincent vinchenzo ran towards us and away from some elves.
They were hunting him and he fought back as some of us charged in to help.
Stacey's shapeshiftery thing diplomacised as the rest of us laid in to an elf who became a hag thing.
The hag thing summoned a giant fly trap.
We fought that a little bit, but hurt the hag more. - stupid hag.
The hag turned into a whimpering flying fairy.
The wussy shapeshifter changeling thing bottled the fairy thing.