Title: Svim'taroch (collective city creation) Post by: Arnu on 09 January 2010, 15:10:14 Here is an idea to collectively create a city setting that can be used by anyone who wants to use it.
Each person adds a detail to the city and then list what the next person should add (In this case I have named the city "Svim'taroch" (after the initials of the current Wednesday night group) and I ask the next person to add the major races of the city - when the next person has added that the state what they want the next person to add). When it feels done I can arite it up as a usable setting for anyone who may be interested. Name: Svim'taroch Next person to add Major races in the city Title: Re: Svim'taroch (collective city creation) Post by: Dat on 09 January 2010, 16:34:32 Anybody? 'Cos i say dwarfsgnomeshalflings. And then i say religions/cults/beliefs of Svim'taroch goes next. OH - and goblins - that's right - GOBLINS. Leave your prejudices at the door! :P
Title: Re: Svim'taroch (collective city creation) Post by: Arnu on 09 January 2010, 20:17:22 So we have Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins and Halflings.
I guess there needs to be something that draws them together. I think Avandra is the most venerated (because I think that the city needs a lot of luck) Morandin, Kord and Erathis have a less prominant presence in the city. The next person should explain the history of how the city started |