Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Adam on 06 January 2010, 18:08:43

Title: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Adam on 06 January 2010, 18:08:43
Sorry about last time.  Let's try again.
Sign up below for OHMAS I can take five players and again I will be strict about this.

Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Adam on 06 January 2010, 18:10:30
On behalf of John R.
He would like to sign up.

Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: John R on 06 January 2010, 18:46:43
Hi Adam

Thanks. See you next Tuesday.


Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Zardoz on 11 January 2010, 14:24:26
I'll be there.

If there's 8 + people turning up then I can also run another game if necessary.

Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Ross on 11 January 2010, 14:34:42
I shall be there.


Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 11 January 2010, 16:25:20
I can make tomorrow session however need to leave by 10.20 at the latest.

Adam, in case the session runs on then I will try to arrange an alternative lift home at that time.



Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Deebee on 12 January 2010, 17:48:43
I'll be there, Simon will not


Title: Re: OHMAS sign up 12/01/09
Post by: Adam on 12 January 2010, 18:00:30
Thta's five then. Session officially closed.