Title: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 1) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 06 January 2010, 06:49:37 (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1342/manawildbannerthin.jpg) Once set in motion, some events are hard to arrest. Likewise, when a door closes behind us, it can be hard to find the way back. Questions seek answers, but everything has a price. Failure brings consequences, Yet sometimes worse come from success. This will have a cost. ... Spirit Games, 7pm onwards. Title: Re: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 1) Post by: morgalahan on 06 January 2010, 15:50:51 okay, question: Snow?
I know several people have to drive over, and last time there was some snow our shadarkai and Rogue couldnt make it. What about the other players? Title: Re: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 1) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 06 January 2010, 16:58:58 The Answer has a price. ;)
A very small one; No idea who's going to make it. If we at least get Andy, then it's game on. If Vince, then I intend to move quicker and further and get into the main thing. If everyone, then no worries (Except what to do with you all. :P) If not even Andy makes it, I'mma blow you and Chris off and go watch avatar at 8. True Story. Title: Re: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 1) Post by: Arnu on 06 January 2010, 17:29:30 I should be there unless the roads get very bad by 7pm