Title: Jan 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Zarniwoop on 05 January 2010, 02:48:31 Ok,
So who is up for this one and what have people got to play. Title: Re: Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Deebee on 05 January 2010, 19:49:39 I'm available. Nothing prep'ed at the moment, allthough weather could stop play by the look of all the forecasts.
Title: Re: Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: PM on 05 January 2010, 21:47:55 I'm working this weekend :(
Title: Re: Jan 2010 - Monthly lefthandrule meet Post by: Zarniwoop on 08 January 2010, 21:43:47 Given the Poor weather forecast for the weekend and the current conditions I think it best we skip this one and have another go in Feb...