Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 02 January 2010, 21:27:41

Title: Second Annual Deathmatch Challenge Tournament.
Post by: Zarniwoop on 02 January 2010, 21:27:41
Following the success of the first session, It has been decided that there indeed MUST be a second Annual Deathmatch Challenge Tournament.

This is posted early, so exact details may change, and the prize is as yet unchosen. Just like last year the individual Tournament will take place, followed by a "Playground Pick" by appointed team captains. The winner of the individual Tournament will have the right to pick first and will automatically be one of the team captains.

The exact rules for Team Challenge may vary from Last year, but I think we have a fine Ruleset for the Individual Challenge. The Individual Arena from last year worked well, so there is no point changing that either.

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