Title: The comics code Post by: Simonpaulburley on 17 March 2014, 09:27:05 I last visited Raiders in 2012 when I was touring the conventions playtesting SQUADRON UK.
I've now got a new game - THE COMICS CODE. It's a rules-lite Superhero RPG. More about the Roleplaying than the battles. I'd love to give the rules a run out this Saturday at Raiders if that's OK with people. They're pretty much fully tested now and this'd be the final check before putting the manuscript to bed. I'll post the details of the two scenarios I'm offering later. Title: Re: The comics code Post by: Simonpaulburley on 17 March 2014, 16:15:38 1) Title: Lost Origins
System: The Comics Code GM: Simon Burley Time: 10:30 – 2:00 Scenario Description Washed up on a beach amongst the ruins of a crashed airliner, gifted with amazing powers and cursed to live through a litany of lifted plotlines*, become the world’s newest Superhero. The Comics Code is a brand new “lite” Superhero RPG where the story is more important than the battles. 5 minute character creation, ten minute combat. The rest is all role-playing and story-telling. This scenario is a playtest of a developing rules-system. * Lost, Green Arrow etc. etc. see how many you can spot. 2) Title: Superheroes Assemble! System: The Comics Code GM: Simon Burley Time: 3:00 – 6:30 Scenario Description It’s a month since the meteor hit and the world went to Hell. Alien creatures roam a country under Martial Law and people from all walks of life are developing strange new abilities. Some of these are turning to crime. The authorities simply can’t cope and a new type of group is needed to safeguard the public. Are YOU up to the task? The Comics Code is a brand new “lite” Superhero RPG where the story is more important than the battles. 5 minute character creation, ten minute combat. The rest is all role-playing and story-telling. This scenario is a playtest of a developing rules-system. This scenario can be linked to the first if players want to play a developing storyline. Title: Re: The comics code Post by: EvilGinger on 17 March 2014, 17:23:09 Defiantly be interested in having a go at this it sounds rather cool
>:DGinger |