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General Community => Chit Chat => Topic started by: CrazyFrog on 01 January 2010, 04:00:23

Title: New Year Resolutions 2010
Post by: CrazyFrog on 01 January 2010, 04:00:23
Happy New Year All.

I thought this year, I'd do my boring resolutions online and then see (or get others to vote   +:bandhead=+::banghead: ) if I'd kept them.

1) Swear less (FAILED in the first minute)
2) Do more reviews on the forum   +:scratch=+::scratch:
3) Play more games (EASY  ;D )
4) Make less plans (For those who really know me, will understand this one)

Title: Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Post by: Dat on 01 January 2010, 13:56:46
Me am think frog should be frog and not resolution.  :P

Title: Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Post by: Oskar on 05 January 2010, 02:36:40
Happy New Year All.

I thought this year, I'd do my boring resolutions online and then see (or get others to vote   +:bandhead=+::banghead: ) if I'd kept them.

1) Swear less (FAILED in the first minute)
2) Do more reviews on the forum   +:scratch=+::scratch:
3) Play more games (EASY  ;D )
4) Make less plans (For those who really know me, will understand this one).................Good one ! ;)

Well I think I will make more acheivable resolutions this year.

a] Sort out the hundreds of photo`s I have been promising to for the past 5 years or more.
b] Find out more about my family history
c] Lose some weight, this is an annual promise, [just loose enough to be able to put it all back at Christmas, hey hum !]

Happy New year to all  +:beer=+::beer:

Title: Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Post by: carldjcross on 02 February 2010, 23:29:03
My New Year's Resolutions*

1) Post New Year's Resolutions before February.

2) Stay up to date with my session reports.

3) Stop buying games that are OMG! Cheap on ebay.

4) Win a game of Powergrid.

*Please note none of these will actually happen.