Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Adam on 31 December 2009, 23:23:37

Title: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Adam on 31 December 2009, 23:23:37
Sign up below for OHMAS I can take five players and (acting on feedback from last time) I will be strict about this.

Also Happy New Year everyone.

Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: BigBird on 04 January 2010, 10:27:35

Could you include me on the nights festivities..



Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: andrew whincup on 04 January 2010, 14:39:35
I shall not be able to make it tomorrow night, but should be about after that.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Ross on 04 January 2010, 15:02:26
Happy New Year!

I would like to play, but am equally happy to GM a second game if necessary.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Adam on 04 January 2010, 22:28:57
Andy, John and Lea are all absent and therefore I suspect a second game won't be necessary.

So welcome aboard.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Deebee on 04 January 2010, 23:08:48
Count me in.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 05 January 2010, 12:32:37
Im in, see ya tonight.



Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: BigBird on 05 January 2010, 14:47:58
Count me in.



Give me a shout later, I am planning on getting away early. But it also looks like the Weather may play a role in tonight, BBC is saying we should expect Heavy snow, 150 to 250mm overnight..!

If it starts before 1550, could you call me and let me know, I've got the A-Class and dont want to get stuck on the way home..!



Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Ross on 05 January 2010, 14:57:13
Andy, John and Lea are all absent and therefore I suspect a second game won't be necessary.

So welcome aboard.


Excellent, see you tonight.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Ross on 05 January 2010, 15:23:57

James texted me to ask that I pass on his apologies, but he will be about an hour late tonight.

If this is going to be too disruptive, then could you (Adam) please text him on: xxxxxxxxx.



Admin Edit: Removed Mobile Number from public searchable area. Be advised if you need to exchange numbers best to do that by Private Message which will not be scanned by robots and webcrawlers.

Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Ross on 05 January 2010, 18:37:15
Given the weather warnings from the Met Office, I may decide to bail out tonight.

As I work here in Winchester but have a substancial drive home at the end of the evening I don't want to get stuck here!

Anyhow- if I am not there by 7:00 it will be a safe bet that I have decided to go straight home.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 05 January 2010, 20:21:17
Hi guys,

Spoke to Adam just now and unfortunately he is stuck on the m27 still. Judging by the weather warnings aswell it has been decided that tonight will be postponed.

Hope you all get home safe. See you next week.



Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Deebee on 05 January 2010, 20:48:33
Yep, Me and Simon have decided to call it a night as well.

Hopefully see you next week.

Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Adam on 05 January 2010, 22:35:43
Sorry guys.
Travelling home was horrendous - over two and a half hours instead of my normal 30-40 minutes.  I would have been late for the game anyway. Mainly though having slipped and slid around on the M27 for a good twenty miles or so I didn't fancy the risk of travelling back out (and then clearly home again).

Sorry again, see you next week.


Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: BaldLea on 07 January 2010, 15:24:57
Bl00dy council!

Title: Re: 2010/01/05 OHMAS sign up
Post by: Adam on 07 January 2010, 22:11:31
I never said that!!