Title: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: Bruce on 19 February 2014, 01:08:58 I haven't yet decided which day I'll be attending but I'd like to run a D&D game using either the Original D&D (I have the shiny reissue) or Labyrinth Lord rules.
The adventure is one of my own, it's working title is 'Time For A Change' I've run it a few times now and playing time is expected to be between two to four hours. I'll be looking for four to six players. Pre generated characters will be provided and I am happy to take total novices as well as seasoned gamers. Bruce Title: Re: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: EvilGinger on 19 February 2014, 06:45:53 good stuff keep us posted....
EDIT Just noticed the forum this is in - if your running it at Beer & pretzels count me in >:DGinger Title: Re: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: Bruce on 24 February 2014, 12:30:38 Cool! So my weekend off work is confirmed however I can only spare one day for B&P so the following questions:
1) Do I need to book a table/register my games or do anything 'official' to ensure I can run something or do I just rock up? 2) Would I be completely bonkers to run a morning AND an afternoon session? I'm tempted to run a DCC character funnel too. Title: Re: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: EvilGinger on 24 February 2014, 20:03:39 Bruce,
As Far as I am aware you just buy a ticket & mention that you would like a table put to one side at the time. Beer & Pretzels works with minimum organization & also running a funnel DCC game is a very cool idea which I would want into >:DGinger Title: Re: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: Bruce on 12 May 2014, 20:32:24 Got tickets for Sunday and I've decided to give DCC a go so I'll stick a new thread up on the off chance I can get folks interested before the event.
Bruce Title: Re: Labyrinth Lord or OD&D Game Post by: EvilGinger on 18 May 2014, 15:51:08 Saddly Beer & pretzels has been a washout this year as I realy cant afford to leave undone all the work I would have to in order to pop down even for the sunday as planed. This is a pain but has to be faced. If I dont do work it builds up and I just have more to do latter.
>:DGinger |