Title: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: EvilGinger on 22 December 2009, 13:11:34 Trapped in a demon infested Drow city surrounded on all sides by a monstrous regiment King Rapple is doomed unless he lives up to the mantle of THE WARLORD......
Whilst all the time their is a strangely comforting cooing in his ears and the smell of warm fresh coco... To be continued......... >:DGinger Title: Re: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: Dat on 22 December 2009, 15:26:54 i'm wondering if Rapple's losing it. Really.
Title: Re: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: EvilGinger on 27 December 2009, 14:29:31 This event is cancelled and will run on Sunday first of January 2010 instead sorry about that GM indisposed >:DGinger Title: Re: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 27 December 2009, 18:45:02 Shame, really. Still, probably for the best, as I've had little sleep at all for three days running and have been at work re-pricing things all day, probably could have been a bit of an 'interesting' session. Heh. :)
Looking forward to the first january of 2010, then. Maybe I will even remember to sort out some ink for then, too! [edit - I note some new features have turned up on the boards since I last was paying enough attention to notice. Like the in-thread edit utility, I must say.] Title: Re: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: EvilGinger on 28 December 2009, 19:11:28 If anyone can make it,
I am prepared to run the Session of dark deeds which should of run yesterday this evening please reply to any of the TEXTS which I sent earlier >:DGinger Title: Re: A dark day for King Rapple Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 28 December 2009, 19:42:38 woah, holy last minute, batman. er... (haven't recieved any text, btw. Didn't last time you mentioned sending one in reply, either actually. Strange.)