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General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 19 January 2014, 17:17:09

Title: Picocon 31 — ‘Survival’
Post by: Zarniwoop on 19 January 2014, 17:17:09
Details from Picocon Website (

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What is Picocon?

Picocon is the annual one-day Science Fiction & Fantasy convention run by the Imperial College Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, ICSF. It usually takes place on a Saturday in February, in Imperial College's Student Union. We try not to clash with other conventions around the same time.

It is a small (hence the name), affordable and convenient convention for students and fans in or near London. Registration opens at 10am, with the first scheduled events kicking off at around 10:30. The schedule concludes in the evening.

At a Picocon you will encounter:

Guests of Honour doing talks and panels
The Destruction of Dodgy Merchandise, typically using liquid nitrogen and an enormous hammer. (You're welcome to bring along donations!)
Stalls selling books, ICSF t-shirts, and other stuff
Quiz and silly games
Student Union bar

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Entry for the day will cost (subject to change up to Feb 2014):

£5 for ICSF members;
£8 concessions (with valid ID) - students/DWP/OAP/children;
£10 full price;
FREE for past Guests of Honour.
Discounts for large parties (e.g. other University SF societies) are potentially available (email the Picocon Sofa).

Please note that neither ICSF nor Union membership is required to attend Picocon; all are welcome.