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Gaming Groups => A Thousand Shattered Mirrors => Topic started by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 22 December 2009, 01:50:16

Title: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 22 December 2009, 01:50:16

Events, unrelated though they may be, create ripples in the water of a thousand worlds.
Strangers are often drawn together by chance but after such a confluence shall never be strangers again.

...And so it began.

Three lost in the black, old life in dazzling flames.
A fourth abandoned in wild places.
The fifth saught a Dark Stranger, but fled from another.
The final seeks to keep the wolves from the door.

And the pig seems fine.

This Wednesday I intend to run what might be the last session of the set-up, if we get the right people. Whatever happens, I intend to run something, and may just inflict some improvisation on those who do show, if we're lacking certain people.

If you are feeling like being kind to your DM, post below whether you'll be making it to the shop or not.  :)

Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: Arnu on 22 December 2009, 02:21:13
Hiya Tiki

Yes I expect to be there on Wednesday night.

All the best


Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: dust on 22 December 2009, 11:48:51
Hey dude, I should be there, I'm feeling better than last week (well outta hospital anyway, lol)
But I might be running a bit late.

Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: Dat on 22 December 2009, 15:24:02
i will be there too, because the pig is fine.

Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 22 December 2009, 17:05:13
Hey dude, I should be there, I'm feeling better than last week (well outta hospital anyway, lol)
But I might be running a bit late.
Very glad to hear that, for the most part. The running late shouldn't be a problem, just try not to fail any saving throws against disease or illness in the meantime, eh? :)

Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning (Part 2)
Post by: dust on 22 December 2009, 21:48:01
Just to let you know that the pain has come back, so not so sure about tomorrow now.

I've started taking pain killers to see how that holds it, if not, then I doubt that I'll be able to survive the evening  :'(