Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Burton Delvers => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 18 December 2009, 20:40:20

Title: Fortnightly Thurs Nights
Post by: Zarniwoop on 18 December 2009, 20:40:20
We seem to have lost our way slightly on these, well I certainly have.

We need to post the events here and get whitefire to cross-post them on meetup Even if we do not have a set game if we post the event we can at least talk about what to play.

Also, depending on numbers and whether we can get Dave and Vince to make more regular appearances we may need to change location to the Devvy. We may also be able to run multiple games as sometimes we do bulge beyond some games capability.

Let me know your thoughts and lets get things back on track in the new year.