Title: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 07 January 2014, 01:46:56 Regular Burton Board Gaming at Spirit Games on Wednesday nights
We play a selection of new releases and old favourites, starting at 7.00pm and going on up to midnight. All are welcome, click on the articles link (http://spiritgames.co.uk/article.php) to get an idea of what we have been playing over the past year or two. Contact Details: salnphil@spiritgames.com Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 09 January 2014, 15:36:03 8th Jan 2014
Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: EvilGinger on 09 January 2014, 20:14:13 This is not an easy game but I do want to play it again given time & get my revenge - thought I will correct Zarni the first investigator made it to turn 3 after a bad run of luck - half killed before the game began which saw him delayed and finally detained before being beaten to death on the first reckoning. it was a n omen for the game & it frankly kept us all on the back foot & kicked the stuffing out of us over and again.
Next time its personal. >:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 02 February 2014, 22:29:41 15th Jan 2014
Another good turn out tonight with a good mix of games being played as normal, thanks to Phil and Sally for letting us invade their shop until late whilst tempting them away from their work to play in games :) One of the new games played tonight was Concordia (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7910) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/A1tI8eAAL8IoTr_XcrQRFKa4yP6bu2UX2iWvMDRAwmI=w270-h202-p-no) The almost now obligatory Pathfinder game (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7730) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/XC43hAu-4_wnKsB-TsG7_xyN8-akkmuGX1sLb5lVA8g=w270-h202-p-no) On another table was Twin Tin Bots (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/126239/twin-tin-bots) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/0FfGOa2c4mvwNt57ewmP6If-78-wftkXDfnmpskq64E=w270-h202-p-no) On our table we got under way with two games of Trieste (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8126) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/Sm01fDwnYopdJ-MObNsv1euCyc3zfAcpaS23Uu6De44=w270-h202-p-no) This is exactly a 3 player game where you play as either Thieves, Merchants or City Guards each with thier own unique deck of cards and winning goals. Each faction needs to work against the other two in order to achieve their winning conditions, though there is a slight bias against one faction, for example the City Guard deck is mostly against the thieves but does have cards to thwart the Merchant. With careful playing of cards you can both work towards your own goal whilst attempting to thwart the other two. Really nice little game, the cards are of good quality stock and the artwork is rather excellent two. On another table the group got a game of Cyclades (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=4876) under way, another favourite of the Wednesday night group: (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/m9rSpaehGhW2qYsOsIBrMijL1njnk9EN1NqkOl6Z0gE=w270-h202-p-no) After our games of Trieste (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8126) we got a game of PI (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/129050/p-i) under way: (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/tFLgNwpf3BFll98Tp1qPq6ZQbcBQPBTHgpeblvUApWY=w270-h202-p-no) This is a really nice game where players are handed a set of three cards detailing a Crime, Location and suspect with each player trying to deduct what the player next round in playing order has. The mechanism's in these game are really effective and implemented really well. You need to try and be the first to deduce your targets cards but get it wrong and you get penalties which can hurt later. Great game always fun to play but not necessarily easy :) Finally another new game got played Walk the Plank (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7939) looks great fun but have yet to get a game of this myself... (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_ogb-my64MDv17w5abY5_A1pnKY_Iq7yDf64jIa1FCQ=w270-h202-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: EvilGinger on 07 February 2014, 18:00:39 In the absence of the full team to play Pathfinder the rise of the Rue lords I spent most of the evening playing Ankike a splendidly simple and sadly out of print Roundel style empire building game game an opportunity not to be missed. On which subject I did miss out on a game of Caverna however as its owner was convinced it would not play well or fast enough for five plus even though the game is designed to run with up to seven players.
Still I have my own copy & will have to give a big game a go just to see if that is the case if nothing else. >:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 February 2014, 01:09:44 22nd Jan 2014
We started the evening off trying out one of Pete's games from his LARGE collection ;) this one was called: Mafioso, I had not seen or heard of this one and during the rules explanation was a little wary. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. You all play a mob boss trying to build up your gang, build fronts for your nefarious activities which earn you points for the end. To achieve this you take one action from a list, the cards are either gang members you can play in front of you or Business fronts or illegal activities you attach to a front you already have. You can attack or cards can allow you to steal "business" away from another gang and so on... It feels like a grown up version of family business where you have more planning and strategy available, it was really fun to play and plays in a reasonable time. Scores: Paul:8, Caz:4, Sally:3, Pete:2 and Sam:1 (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PVl_rdEiBG6pwaNG1bWkuyGcXbO5SmcuMpgfAJtPqQ4=w270-h202-p-no) We then played Dwarven Miner (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7860) which is a fantastic little game where you roll dice to obtain resources you can spend to craft items, these items in turn can be used to adorn your patrons. The patrons score you points and also provide in game bonus effects either continuous or one-time, players are competing to be the first to score 30points. Resources can be kept between turns in your backpack, as can items but beware some of the dice allow players to steal. You could keep unused resources and items in vaults, which you can construct, but if another player rolls enough steal symbols they can take the entire vault!... You can also roll Orcs, which you have to keep but which can not be re-rolled, you choose to re-roll dice until you have what you need or all Orcs :( It is great fun to play the artwork is just superb and the theme is dwarves, what is not to like there!!. Scores: Sally:30, Caz:25 and Paul/Sam: 23, (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/KyvF5M4ku0eFsew8XAXB-1FVe1cOS0Pqq-my-4U2DsI=w270-h202-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 February 2014, 01:41:18 29th Jan 2014
First game of the evening was Ticket to Ride Asia (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=5933) a new twist on Ticket to Ride (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=1883) where you can play a 6 player game but in teams of 2. I have only played the basic Ticket to Ride (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=1883) once before, but enjoyed it, so was up for trying a new twist on a classic game. In the team version you both still have you own secret hand of cards and tickets but there is now a common pool visible to both team members, the rub though is that you are not allowed to discuss amongst the team any aspect of the game!!.... Yup its a team game where you are not really allowed to work directly as a team you have to second guess your partners intent and try to avoid hindering them!! It was a novel twist but quite frankly this hurt my brain .... A LOT..... in fact so much so here: (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/D47vI7oie_-eTarufSTfAcIHQQYnQI94r5g_lm9PXOE=w296-h221-p-no) I used 3 cards from the common pool to build the straight Green line of 3, when we clearly already had the link by another route, which Carole needed to complete a Ticket she had in her hand thus robbing us a quite a few points. Though because of the no-talking-tactics-or-strategy-thing we only found that out after the game ended. Plus there was a much better tack to lay for me I ended up doing the following turn. For me this Non-Team Team thing just doesn't work as whilst it may make the game more social, as you have to talk about things other than the game, it makes the gameplay much harder and in the process less fun. However, I'm sure that for some people this aspect may make it all the more enjoyable. I'm glad I got the chance to give it a go but I think I prefer the more standard game if given a choice. Scores: Team1 (Paul & Carole):94, Team2 (Adam & Sam):29 and Team3 (Martin and Chris):166 (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/JsO0BKnaCYz8bqUMa0i9MNIFGliaye4uv9GCMqO2uDc=w295-h221-p-no) We then played a couple of rounds of Bucket King, a classic filler for the Wednesday night gamers, with Caz then Philsy the respective winners. Great fun and it was nice to Final game of the night was Citadels (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=476), This is always one of those games that people think of getting out late into the evening with fond memories of playing it but forgetting that with a full compliment it ALWAYS takes longer than you think... Starting with the player who is currently "King" each player in turn selects a role from a set of cards (Assassin, Thief, Magician, King, Bishop, Merchant, Architect, Warlord) these roles determine turn order and each has special roles within the game. The aim is to get the most points, gained by building various buildings which have different values. The game ends when the first person builds 8 buildings, then the person with the most points wins. Bonus points are to be had for having buildings in multiple districts (there are 5 different coloured districts). Certain buildings have special abilities which aid you in a variety of ways. You build by paying the value of the building which can be 1-8 gold. On your turn you can take cards or gold tax certain districts (1 gold per building) depending on the role you selected. Each role has a specific function they can do which allows you to do extra things on your turn. Another thing I must remember is that the one aspect I dislike about the game is that the Assassin role is a little too harsh, the good news is that the later editions of the game came with an expansion built in taht provides alternative characters. I have still to try a game using these but they look more balanced allowing for a better experience for all players. Good game, though we had to sadly call it short as it was getting rather late (see my comments earlier :-\ +:bandhead=+::banghead: +:coffee=+::coffee: ). Scores: Adam/Phil:11, Paul:9, Martin:8, Sal:?, Philsy:? (Not sure if the last two were 0 or I didnt grab them <SIGH> ) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 February 2014, 02:07:05 5th Feb 2014
Caz got grabbed into a game of Antike, which I was not up for that evening, so I elected to grab some sleeves to complete Sleeving my copy of RedShirts (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7870). A new face turned up, so once I finished sleeving, we set about a quick game of Hive (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=717). (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KHq8zZ2Cyi0jE8D_4Ud71dmzR8KUHA1ltnwhdcqFTmk=w295-h221-p-no) This is a great little game and easy to teach, though a lot harder to get your head round the strategy. Neil turned up not long after finishing that so, after some debate and trying to entice some players away from Pete's table but failing, we settled on a game of The End of the Triumvirate (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=2980). (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oSsgiIrbHcD9b2rHVTXg_rI_7JcBtr2gDlZgi5WK7TY=w270-h202-p-no) This was actually quite a nice game where there are different ways to win, political, militarily or by gaining max skills in both. I really quite enjoyed this, I even ended up going quite military in the end unusually for me. There was a lot of player interaction, though sadly for Neil most of this went his way making it tough for him to come back. The rest of us got around to trying to diminish each others chances later. Great game that I would try again as it does have some quite interesting mechanics, especially the combat which is really quite simple and elegant. Finally we played a game of Skull & Roses (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=5963) which is kind of a bluffing game, in a similar vein to Liars dice or perudo. Each player has a set of discs with Roses on and one of them has a skull, each player puts down a disc then the start player either places a second down or bids for how many Roses they can turn over (including ALL of their own). If the start player does not bid then the next can place another disc or bid and so on. Once the bidding has started the next player has to bid more or call the previous players bluff. If you guess right you win and turn over you player marker to show you have a point, a second points wins, if you lose then you lose a disc at random from your hand. Really fun little game that can end very quickly or go on a little longer depending on how things pan out :) Some images from the evening: (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/Ns7f1MBNLNWM6hNqYokBEaKk-sUT8nQT2ZwewpdZuMI=w270-h202-p-no) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/a5P_1lAYs-IZpyvbLPrvwYDJlbNAZ41xilXRr-KSxp0=w270-h202-p-no) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/nHZR67WLjiQPeWlQRLDkRVZHGL__TVS0vIU35C_hjQ4=w270-h202-p-no) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/iDA0TqO4kJm5Uahk-F4BGv7oE8p3n_GcA-u5bdBlZ4c=w270-h202-p-no) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/zaBbgsLNCebqkeYSl13kKJj6rimc8sUaHhdib_xlp1M=w270-h202-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 27 February 2014, 11:16:18 12th Feb 2014
Well that was another wed night over and here are some pictures of the other games being played: (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/K-wbpNt7y0hSX688GYNw9toYjYmm62CId8ZFhdwxOuc=w305-h228-p-no) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/3paTIn8oWPLM7fPUcYHGARyjD8XE1bzhsUkwwVJ3Eoo=w305-h228-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: EvilGinger on 27 February 2014, 13:15:58 I am likely not going to be attending for a bit, I think I have been over doing it so need to give something a rest and this is the easiest to drop out of
>:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 27 February 2014, 14:51:28 19th Feb 2014
Here are some pictures of the other games being played: (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/6vQIT05Q5FFK3omMmiNfACwsZI9_EAPWKGTkkT_N2-4=w304-h228-p-no) (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/WBPH0EUGD-YeEheWFCI9r3urYxWXkQ1VkgHQ9wA8d8o=w305-h228-p-no) (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-P7OkizFhcj0o8Q-DrEE_nW3uKMaBkFIjjMwLFJQVT0=w305-h228-p-no) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/oYcY_PE1DfhZKAKu6ycpty61gXXkRnox73rV5qPOCOk=w305-h228-p-no) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/7QdRUf41beAuRvfMajZy_I81qiYaNHCCjjsPXmr2upc=w304-h228-p-no) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/BoI5YIYG7-DhyyUQH1jvnjzY3xGGY35or1TjZFZ8wMI=w305-h228-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Spirit Games on 01 March 2014, 14:28:28 26th February 2014
This week Paul brought down Francis Drake (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7815). Paul and Carole had run through a round of the game previously to get an idea of the rules and mechanics of the game, but for the rest of us it was new. Apart from a couple of minor mistakes (which, although altering the game slightly didn't matter as they affected us all equally) the game play went very smoothly. The first round everyone had the "oh no! I should have done that differently" moments, but that's just the learning curve. By the end of the game we all knew basically what we wanted to do, but in the manner of this type of game, were either beaten to what we wanted, had to compromise with what we had or try to scupper the opposition. (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/Wednesday-events-etc/Feb27/FrancisDrake.jpg) Starting at 8pm with 5 players was maybe a bit ambitious, but we were pleasantly surprised that the game fitted well into the time we had even with reading the rules first. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, it's a pity we can't get it back in stock. Scores: Phil won, closely followed by Sam, the Paul, Sally and Carole. The other games played were Race for the Galaxy (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=3594) which Richard won, Skull & Roses (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=5610), Glass Road (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8019) (which was tried as a 2 player and worked very well) and Factory Manager (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=4778). (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/Wednesday-events-etc/Feb27/GlassRoad.jpg) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Spirit Games on 01 March 2014, 14:33:18 12th February 2014
Tonight Sam bought down Rampage (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8095). I have been wanting to try this ever since it came into the shop. It looked intriguing, silly, fun, I had to have a game. So Sam and I set the game up, and just as we were ready Paul and Carole arrived, so the four of us set about demolishing the buildings. First you have to flick your monster's feet so that they touch a sidewalk next to a building, and then drop your monster on to the building dislodging the meeples. Any meeples left in your area not in a building can then be eaten by your monster. Or you can use the trucks in your area and flick them from your monster onto the buildings, again eating any available meeples in your area. You also collect any empty floors which add to your victory points. Once all the buildings have been destroyed you add up your points to see who has won. To make it more of a challenge, each monster has a special power card which they can use throughout the game, a one off special superpower which you keep to yourself until you use it, and a goal to aim for which give more victory points if achieved. (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/Wednesday-events-etc/Feb14/Rampage.jpg) The game is beautifully produced, with nice chunky wooden pieces, which is just as well as they can go flying all over the place. A fun game for when you don't feel like thinking too hard, and just to add to my enjoyment I won. Paul, Carole and Sam then went of to play Edo (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=6921) (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/Wednesday-events-etc/Feb14/Edo.jpg) While Phil, Becka, Philsie and I played Ad Astra (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=4647). I always enjoy this game, but am very bad at it and this time was no exception as I came joint last with Becka who at least had the excuse of never having played before. It looked like Phil was going to pull off a win when Philsie pipped him to the post with only 2 points between them. Scores were: Philsie 61, Phil 59, Becka/Me 51. My last game of the evening was Guildhall (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7295). I like the mechanic of this game, you are trying to collect sets of characters, but each character card you play has an ability which you use before adding it to your Guildhall. As these actions include traders and assassins there is a fair bit of player interaction, especially when a player looks like they may be getting ahead. It is also a game where even if it looks like you are behind you can still manage to sneak a win from under the other players noses, which is what I managed to do. (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/Wednesday-events-etc/Feb14/Guildhall.jpg) Pictures taken by Zarniwoop. Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 13 April 2014, 01:02:41 I've been a bit remiss of late recording games played by the Wed night group at Spirit Games (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk) and I will try and do a better job going forward, though I am only one of about a dozen or more people who attend this event frequently. I need to arm twist a few others to post some details here, as I would like to hear how some of the games I am not playing in went like.
Still the group there are a great bunch, despite the large amount of faffing and indecision when in comes to what to play ;) Recent games have included: Archon: Glory and Machination (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7903) which is really a great game, despite a little overkill in the art department. A worker placement style game with a bit of card drafting mixed in. I'm really liking this game and have played it quite a few times recently, hopefully I'll get myself round to writing a review of it soon. Edo (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=6921) another nice game with a unique mechanic for action selection where you plan your 3 actions placing cards in a certain orientation and in the order to play them. This has been played a few times and I'm liking it more each time I play, some tricky decisions to be made each turn which keeps it interesting. Around the World in 80 Days (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=2287) an older game but a classic that has always proved popular on the Wed night. A lighter, more family weight game but yet still provides a level of strategic play that suits all levels of players. King of Tokyo (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=5624) Another favourite filler style game for the Wed crowd. Players roll dice to earn victory points or Energy to buy powerup cards or heal or inflict damage. A really fun little game that accommodates quite a few players and plays really quite quickly. Keyflower (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7364) love this game it is great fun to play, though I confess I play it really badly ;), its not the quickest game to play but it is immense fun with lots of strategic decisions to be made along the way. Among the Stars (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8267) which looks to be a really interesting game, though sadly I have yet to get a game of this to find out what it is like to play. There are many many more games that I have missed but if you want to find out how a game plays or learn a game you own drop by on a Wed night or indeed any of the other gaming events that are organised by Spirit Games (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk) and anyone of us there will be only too glad to help out. Spirit Games go out of their way to provide us with a great gaming space on a regular basis, as well as running a great store. The people that come to play there have a great time, providing a really friendly and open group willing to accept new and experienced gamers alike. I have been going there now for some years and have made some good friends on the back of it, I have always been made to feel welcome and would recommend it for anyone to come along. Well see you at the next event 16th April, hopefully one of us there will do a writeup of some of the games that get played. Have fun.... Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 23 April 2014, 14:04:02 16th April 2014
We had a bit of a retro gaming week this week playing some of the older games in my collection, which was a welcome change of pace.
Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 May 2014, 17:55:22 7th May 2014
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/0tQgSqieHaiGYd_PZQ7-OXOG-7wruaZrVISpoZAt6t8=w279-h209-p-no) Here are some of the other games being played: (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/zUnjVc18F1MCZNaKbHGraxNQ-CYfwF8YB0JnClHlv7Y=w157-h209-p-no) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/4EQdZYWsl2rLlmt_7rryU7tyVjBu22OzGS3-EFjX--k=w157-h209-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Dat on 13 May 2014, 12:12:02 Rambull! Everybody loves Rambull! Glad Rambull got in on the game. ;D
Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Spirit Games on 26 May 2014, 00:34:39 21 May 2014
Well it's been a while since I posted anything because I wasn't able to get down to the shop for quite a while after my hip operation, and when I did I was too tired to stay after work for gaming. I am now very much on the road to recovery and with Beer & Pretzels out of the way I should be able to find time to write about the odd Wednesday Night again. This week we got out one of the old classics Aquire. Neil had pick it up on the Bring and Buy at the weekend, so wanted to try it out. I had not played it for many years, and it was the first time for the rest of the players. It has a very neat quick play mechanism, easy to pick up, but not so easy to win. Paul had a very good win (it wasn't his game!), and Neil whose game it was, spent most of the game broke and came last. Carole and Tom were second and third (not sure which order) and I came fourth. Phil was in his element, not only did he get to play Concordia (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7910) for a long wanted second time, but he spent the game buying wine (which is very appropriate), and then won. A very happy bunny. The last game of the evening was Splendor (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8278). When we first got it in I read the rules and thought it sounded interesting and had been hankering for a game, which finally happened at Beer & Pretzels (played 2, lost 2). So I was keen to have another go. Paul, Carole and Phil hadn't played before, but picked up the general idea fairly immediately. As your go is either pick up tokens, buy a card or save a card your actual go is nice and quick with very little downtime for the other players. When when the cards you want have been picked by other players, making the best of what's been left is the key, or just topping up your tokens 'til something more useful to you comes along. Also works well with 2 players. Sally Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 26 June 2014, 12:07:52 Been some time since I last posted about the Wed Night game sessions, the other players on the evening also seem too busy to post as well so I'll do my best to catch up.
Over the last few weeks we have played the following games: Railways of the World: The Card Game (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/68228/railways-world-card-game) this was a very interesting game that was quite fun to play. Would not mind giving this another go sometime now I have a better idea of what is going on :) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/5r4ayKkp83eh-gRICMsGzn8KTRIRZMmaPLmRWVFQS8Y=w164-h218-p-no) Another popular game on the Wed night recently has been Euphoria (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8304) not managed a game of this myself yet but I have been assured this is a really great game ;) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/MxX3YQn5GKtP4vjETuhiyBHIkuUQ46nWi64ySffZlF0=w164-h218-p-no) Glass Road (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8019) has also seen a bit of table time, played this once myself but the others have gotten a few more plays in. Really neat game with some interesting choices, interesting mechanics and excellent components. Must try and get in on another game of this sometime, it's good to keep trying different games and the Wed night sessions are a good place for this. (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/55N9YYhcG5Z8zMtuOqiYTfNbA_e99FYWNLHR1jVtjeY=w261-h195-p-no) There is also a core group working their way through Pathfinder Adventure Card Game (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7730) and its expansions. I've not tried this myself but the fact they are playing this week after week must in some way go to show how much enjoyment they are getting out of it... (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/tBNfqoC4f0YUZY3ejBgmoSQiHuYYqfKJIuL183hQ7O0=w172-h226-p-no) Keyflower (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7364) has also proved to be a popular choice amongst the Wed night crowd and it is a really great game that plays differently every time, due to the random setup. It's a game both Caz and I like to play when we get the chance. (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/IcSv9gJnDGriS85rRHr3DzUQfM5JqzOetLR_J7EDjn8=w155-h207-p-no) I have also tried to get Edo (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=6921) to the table a few times. I really like this game, it has some interesting action choice mechanics and it has some tricky gameplay. I will have to try this again on another wed and put in some of the expansions, as reading about these on the geek they do add some interesting elements to the game. (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/YV0C8gxKtErdc6h__zLBwpkty_-_dUAKU7qYa2ZEIvI=w270-h201-p-no) After finally managing to get a game of Tokaido (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=7482) at a friends and obtained the game I brought it along to the Wed night sessions. This is a gentle but extremely fun game where you are travellers along the road to Edo along which you visit bathhouses, restaurants, temples as well as taking panorama's or go shopping. The aim is to accumulate the most points as you experience all these things. It's a fantastic looking game with more depth than it appears at first glance. The Crossroads (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8364) adds in extra options which add some intriguing options and also mitigates some of the spaces become worthless as you complete panoramas. Liking this game a lot but does need some better scoring markers they are stupidly tiny.... (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/DHNPPVJ2YUFsgZEuRAs_WAJeznywyByMkdxiOlu0G34=w292-h218-p-no) 26th June session we managed to get some older games played in the form of Traders of Carthage (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/24827/traders-carthage) and Blue Moon City (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/21882/blue-moon-city) both are great games and once again it was re-discovering love for older games. I will definitely have to try and get these back to the table again soon. (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/7zrNAtrosvkFpR8KFBuClAFfCzAMU1E_JynM0P_Cxx8=w302-h226-p-no) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/ycK1MLlUf85hXaWzXEQinVdRSC-YPzNWbuMx_6Q-yXs=w276-h207-p-no) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Spirit Games on 25 August 2014, 02:16:59 Where have the last few months gone? My last post started with an apology for not having posted for a while, and this time it's been even longer! In my defence as the summer has been lovely so far I have been outside rather than tied to my computer whenever I had the opportunity. We have, however been playing plenty of games on Wednesday evenings.
Several weeks back Phil and I had several games of Euphoria (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8304) with different people and numbers each time giving varying results on the scores, with me winning one and being thoroughly beaten into last in another. All very enjoyable though. A couple of weeks back we had Star and her daughter Philipa join us. As they are new to gaming we got out some of the quick fun games to ease them gently into things, in the last couple of weeks we have played A Fistful of Penguins (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=6846), Tsuro (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=2639), Anomia (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8560), Cartagena 2 (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=3429), Walk the Plank (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7939), Three Little Pigs (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7981), Labyrinth (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=805), Dodekka (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8561), Dobble (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=5582) and a few others I can't remember. Phil, in the meantime has getting out some of his old favourites, Hacienda and Antike, as well as trying out the newer games Concordia (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7910) and Istanbul (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8449). Last Wednesday I had a game of Tsuro (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=2639) to start the evening, followed by Dodekka (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=8561) while waiting for more players to arrive. Then we split up and I ended up playing a game of Guildhall (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7295), I really like this game, but hadn't played it for some time and got one of the rules wrong, it didn't matter too much as we were all playing the same way, but I must remember to tell the people I was playing with next time they come down. I was beaten into a very last place by three new players, and as is usually the case between the others it was a very close finish with Cameron winning. Then we played Forbidden Desert (http://spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2%E2%8A%82=4&game=7533). I have only played it once before at Game Expo when it first came out and having lost quite quickly wanted to try again. We didn't fare much better, things weren't looking too bad for a while, until one of the party lost all their water and died, game over! Then with games finishing and some people leaving there were three of us left looking for a game to finish off the evening. Phil and Chris having seen Guildhall being played earlier fancied a game themselves, so out it came again, this time playing the correct rules, and I just sneaked in a win. Sally. Title: Re: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 11 October 2014, 21:25:35 So its been a while since I posted about the games nights. Time and enthusiasm have played a part here where I have less time to post and feel when I do i'm talking mostly to myself.
Still I can't let stuff get me down I enjoy running the forum and I love the gaming hobby. The Wed night games have continued to be popular with new and old games being played. There are a good mix of players of all abilities and there is a good atmosphere. I have been going to these evenings for some time now and have met a lot of good people. There are always so many good games to play and try. There is a little too much to catch up on for now so I'll try and pick up again from next week. Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 25 October 2014, 00:49:53 15th Oct 2014
So tonight we had a game of 7 wonders (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=5351), which I seem to be playing quite a lot lately. We had a new visitor to Wed night so this was just the base game but still that is still a great game. It just seems to be one of those games that if someone suggests it there are a lot of people that want to play ;) One of my favourite games that I do not own a copy!! This was followed by Thebes (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=3415) which is a much older game but one that I really need to play more. Having dragged it off the shelf for a good airing it was really good to give it another go. It reminded me how much I really liked this game and I will have to try and bring it along to another Wed night session to introduce some more people to it. A good turn out again for this wed, despite those who had gone to Essen for the week being missing. There is always a good mix of players that turn out for these sessions and a good selection of games always get played. Thanks to Spirit Games (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/) for opening the shop later and allowing us to use the shop space, as well as providing refreshments and snacks, always welcome of course we are gamers :) Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 25 October 2014, 00:59:36 22nd Oct 2014
Well this week saw the return of the "Essen Spiel 2014" absentees from last week with their ill-gotten gains ;) Richard had grabbed the early crowd to play his selection from his haul and the late crowd got to play Imperial Settlers (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=8843) with Philsy. Philsy, Barry and Neil all kept comparing this to 51st State (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=4&game=5361) which I am not sure if I have played. After the rules explanation I was not too sure what was going on but after the first turn or so it did seem to fall into place. I was playing the Barbarians and it seemed like the cards I really needed to make them work came out in the wrong half of the game. That said I did manage to score reasonably well, despite that handicap, so future plays will mean I will know better what combo of cards work well for me. I enjoyed the game and would be up for future plays, though given the games I already own this would not be one for me. Though I have some pretty tough criteria these days as space, gaming time and money are an issue. So as Philsy has bought a copy I'll just have to help him play his copy :) We finished the evening with a Dungeon exploring card game, where you have a hand of five cards numbered 1-5 to use to progress through each level grabbing treasure, besting traps or beating monsters. The trick being when to play your best cards or when to hold on to them for later events. I forget the name of the game at the moment, I'm sure if any of the others ever visit here they will scream the name at me ;) Good fun and rounded the evening off nicely. Title: Re: Spirit Games Wednesday Night - 2014 Post by: Zarniwoop on 24 November 2014, 20:53:48 Well I guess my hope of keeping these more upto date has failed again, sadly, though posting in general has gone down a lot on here as of late. I believe there is still some Roleplaying going on Wed/Thur and some weekends but who knows really....
Right lets see what I can remember from this last Wednesday evening.. 19 Nov 2014 For me I have been itching to try my copy of Hoyuk (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/24270/hoyuk), I did manage a quick taster 2-player with Phil the previous Saturday which was good, so I managed to grab some extra The basic games feels quite solid and gives a gentle start to learn the game with but I feel the next game we should probably leap straight to the advanced game as it will provide many more options and some interesting additions to the game. Really good fun and I am glad this is now part of my collection. |