Title: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 09 December 2009, 04:48:55 (http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/1806/sapphirenebula.jpg) Events, unrelated though they may be, create ripples in the water of a thousand worlds. Strangers are often drawn together by chance but after such a confluence shall never be strangers again. ...And so it begins. Three lost in the black. A fourth abandoned in wild places. The fifth seeks a darkness. The final seeks to keep the wolves from the door. But what shall become of the Pig? Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: morgalahan on 09 December 2009, 04:53:21 Firstly, why the F**K is there a pig at all?!
Secondly, am now wondering which one of those my lovely character is. And lastly, can't wait :D Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Dat on 09 December 2009, 14:06:56 Quote Firstly, why the F**K is there a pig at all?! - To provide a hilarious end line to tiki's summary? Seriously, does Curly bother you that much? He just oinks and minds his own business most of the time. Give a porcine shipmate a break. :PTitle: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Tombwalker on 10 December 2009, 13:08:01 Just think of the places you can hide a pig on such a big ship and watch the fun as the captain runs round trying to find it.
I'm still not certain it is a totally safe pig after being in the prsence of such weird lifeforms. Could have worms. Will be waiting for trouble from that direction. At least we had some fireworks and I am sure those rocks were chocolate mint flavour aero. Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Dat on 10 December 2009, 14:09:10 Are you sure you weren't affected by the journey yourself? ;)
Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 10 December 2009, 16:01:40 I'm still not certain it is a totally safe pig after being in the prsence of such weird lifeforms. Could have worms. Will be waiting for trouble from that direction. *parp!* Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: EvilGinger on 10 December 2009, 19:26:41 yes pigs are prone to worms and all sorts of interesting parasitic infections so very cool ideas every one
>:DGinger Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: Dat on 11 December 2009, 14:10:01 pig haters! Just wait till Porkageddon. :-\
Title: Re: Integrity - Beginning Post by: EvilGinger on 12 December 2009, 09:52:05 I dont hate pigs as the STEF says they are cute affectionate, highly intelligent and so very good to eat
we do love our Dat bating too much some times >:DGinger |