Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: andrew whincup on 07 December 2009, 11:37:44

Title: Games Andy could run
Post by: andrew whincup on 07 December 2009, 11:37:44

Blue Planet Hard-ish sci fi adventure on a hostile water world full of gangsters, incorporates & eco terrorists

The Bureau of Extra Curricular Affairs using a mixture of various Fate games. Banksian Sci Fi in the far future. Agents of a fledgeling empire sent out to prepare the ground for contact and assimilation.

Strange investigations using ORE (nemesis variant). Private investigators in Winchester c. 1990. Deliberately episodic designed for a shifting cast. Low-key horror.


Title: Re: Games Andy could run
Post by: Deebee on 07 December 2009, 12:06:29
All sound great!

Title: Re: Games Andy could run
Post by: Zardoz on 07 December 2009, 15:22:03
I could be tempted by any or all of these.

Title: Re: Games Andy could run
Post by: Adam on 08 December 2009, 11:26:21
In terms of "Banksian Sci-fi" could I be either the Teddy Bear in Riot Gear or the flower-toting Palestinian :-)

Title: Re: Games Andy could run
Post by: Ross on 08 December 2009, 16:18:32
I like the sound of the first two.


Title: Re: Games Andy could run
Post by: andrew whincup on 08 December 2009, 16:42:05
In terms of "Banksian Sci-fi" could I be either the Teddy Bear in Riot Gear or the flower-toting Palestinian :-)

You'll be the lesbian policewoman and like it.
