Title: Gravity - Review Post by: Zarniwoop on 19 November 2013, 12:05:47 ....... AWESOME .......
Now lets put a bit more detail around that ;) This has to be the BEST film I have seen this year, I also went to see it in 3D and I rate this as good as Avatar as regards the 3D content. The 3D enhances the audiences submersion into the film with no gimmicks or throw away moments, it is just there to enhance your experience of the film. If you did not already know it was a film you would believe you were watching people in space the effects of the weightlessness is that good. I was totally captivated by this film from the opening credits to the closing credits, you are totally immersed in the lives and dangers faced by the characters. It truly had me on the edge of my seat at various moments and even had you holding your breath through others. Word can not truly describe how good this film is and how much of a true "Experience" it really was absolutely breathtaking. If you get a chance to go and see this in the cinema GO you will not regret it. I can't go into any great detail without spoiling it for potential viewers but I would say that there is periods of high action mixed in with more calmer and sedate moments. These worked incredibly well for me, but may not for others. This is truly a work of art and this deserves to win awards for every department involved in its creation. Stunning piece of cinematography that deserves a place in cinematic history. Title: Re: Gravity - Review Post by: EvilGinger on 19 November 2013, 22:01:33 I am not sure that I will get the chance to see it but the professional reviews I have read suggested it was really very good indeed and its really nice to have a local opinion Bravo Zarni
>:DGinger Title: Re: Gravity - Review Post by: CrazyFrog on 04 December 2013, 16:26:41 I've heard the special effects on 3D make the big screen the place to see this movie.
However I've read there are lots of technical faults within the movie and can be a big bug bare for me. (remember the large Transformers 3 plot hole for the moon lander) +:bandhead=+::banghead: Title: Re: Gravity - Review Post by: Zarniwoop on 04 December 2013, 16:52:13 I can honestly say I was not aware of any Technical Faults, maybe a more sciency person will spot them ?!?!?!
Throughout the entire film there was not one moment where my "suspension of disbelief" was interrupted. In the cinema I was watching it in there was NO sounds from the audience during the silent moments, and only reactions to on screen for the rest of the performance. There are always people who want to take films apart and nit pick them to death. Best advice take a film at its face value and ask yourself did you enjoy watching it. There are loads of films I have enjoyed that have "holes" or "Innacuracies" but I am watching them to be entertained and enjoy it for what it is. In this example I am not going there to learn how to be an astronaut, there are numerous documentaries about that, I'm there to enjoy a story set in the backdrop of space. Title: Re: Gravity - Review Post by: CrazyFrog on 04 December 2013, 16:55:03 Granted, +:thumbup=+::thumbup: