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Gaming Groups => Previous Spirit Games Events => Topic started by: Spirit Games on 16 November 2013, 23:12:36

Title: Magic Gathering and Gaming Event
Post by: Spirit Games on 16 November 2013, 23:12:36
Magic Gathering and Gaming Event (
By Sally

A new event for this month. On Sunday 24th November the shop will be open from noon for games playing, the object of the exercise is to get people playing Magic the Gathering, (however briefly, and there will be decks to borrow, so no expense necessary) but you will be welcome to play anything else as well. The games library is of course to hand. We will be laying on tea, coffee, cakes etc for your added pleasure.

Contact Details

Title: Re: Magic Gathering and Gaming Event
Post by: EvilGinger on 24 November 2013, 11:37:09
I will be going to this and be there for 11am so I can open up for all the Eager gamers whilst young Phil & Sally will follow along shortly ish after.

Cant wait..... as I missed out on my normal Sunday's gaming due to Midcon which I couldn't make


Title: Re: Magic Gathering and Gaming Event
Post by: EvilGinger on 25 November 2013, 07:00:40
I had a great deal of fun & so as far as I could tell did every one else & we managed to surpass our target for people playing magic on the day. Well done every one....

I played a number of games of magic both against people and against the Hydra deck I also played

Trollhalla - the trolls go Viking game
Robo Rally for the first time
Found I really did not like Mutant meaples
& finaly
Death angel -which I have played before & rather like but proved to be unliked by  other members of the group.

All in all get my fix of non Pathfinder gaming & played games with other folks


Title: Re: Magic Gathering and Gaming Event
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 November 2013, 18:19:56
I had a great deal of fun & so as far as I could tell did every one else & we managed to surpass our target for people playing magic on the day. Well done every one....

Very glad to hear this. :D

Title: Re: Magic Gathering and Gaming Event
Post by: Spirit Games on 02 December 2013, 03:48:35
What a day!

The object of the exercise was to assemble 32 Magic players on the premises - to show that we could, basically - and by 1pm we already had more than that number, not all of them playing Magic at that stage but by the end of the day 35 had done so. Playing Magic was not an absolute requirement and total players of all games by the end of the day stood at 42, there may actually have been a couple more but why spoil such an auspicious number?

Three late stragglers had come with the intention of playing Magic but by that time most players had retired (several had been up early the day before to go to an event in Liverpool), and since one of them was dressed as a pirate we had a couple of games of Walk the Plank (, which was a real hoot. Four of us then settled down to Galaxy Trucker ( while the rest played a rude version of Apples to Apples till midnight.

The Hydra proved a great success both as a training aid - we had several new players - and as a way of slipping in a quick Magic fix between other games. Some lapsed Magic players played each other and at least one was getting tempted to start again. There were a lot of other games played as well throughout the day - Roborally (, Rallyman, Room 25 (, Sun of York (, Nations (, Mutant Meeples (, Death Angel (, Attika; it looks promising for our next Second Sunday of the Month gaming day on 8th December, I'm looking forward to it.