Title: Adam's new year game Post by: Adam on 01 December 2009, 20:12:44 On Her Majesty's Arcane Service
Set in Elizabethan times ( Elizabeth the first obviously) the party are all contacted by Dr Dee, the Queen's astrologer, who has a task or two for people of shall we say "talents". If you need more than that check out: http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14587.phtml If the two table thing takes off cool. I would like at least three players: a fighter, a magic user and a Savante* If not also cool but I will limit the game to a maximum of six players/characters per session. More players may have characters but six per session maximum (pretty much as we are doing with Cyberpunk). Please register interest below. Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: Zardoz on 02 December 2009, 14:06:32 I'm in providing I'm not GMing at the second table.
Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: Ross on 02 December 2009, 14:56:39 After last night's discussion, are we all going to gen characters, then drop in and out as numbers allow and to suit the one-shots?
Happy to GM some one-shots in turn with Ian if anyone fancies some Merc games- that way Ian won't get locked into a GM cycle away from what promises to be an interesting Elizabethan forray! Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: Deebee on 02 December 2009, 18:35:19 Intrigued...
Not what I would usually go for game-wise but I have had the privilege of playing some great stuff I have really enjoyed in the Winchester group that I would have not normally looked at. Put me down as a reserve on this one. I'd like to generate a character though just out of interest. Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: Adam on 02 December 2009, 22:12:18 Yes, Ross everyone who wants can generate a character and we'll have a varying roster a la Mission Impossible or the Defenders. If we have too many for one table we''l have an ad hoc second table with a one shot running.
So don't worry about registering interest. Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: Adam on 04 December 2009, 23:01:07 Just found another review of OHMAS on RPGnet.
http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14611.phtml (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14611.phtml) More full than I remember the last one being. Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: sir_j on 06 December 2009, 22:24:59 I'm very interested in this.
I would like to play a "scientist" and even have a character concept (Jane Lytherland). Basic idea is a scholar, not disimilar to Dr Dee. In order to not make a "Dee Clone", I was left looking for a twist and decided to make her a lady. This might be interesting, given the sexist attitudes of the time (though, according to Wikipedia, England was a lot better than the continent this way). Jane is a hypothetical daughter of the vicar of Newark (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newark-on-Trent#Tudor_era), who was executed during the Reformation. She was bought up by a kindly scholar, who disappeared a few months ago. Jane is a bit conflicted; she resents the Tudor dynasty as a whole but admires Elizabeth and Dr Dee. Title: Re: Adam's new year game Post by: andrew whincup on 07 December 2009, 11:26:39 I'm definitely interested in this. Pencil me in unless I'm wanted for running stuff.
Andy |