Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Dark deeds in very dark places => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 01 December 2009, 10:01:34

Title: The lord of the spire
Post by: EvilGinger on 01 December 2009, 10:01:34
The action moves back to the Spire and centres on Islin s'Arabani as he settles into the role of possibly the most powerful Male Drow in the Matriachate 

How does this great lord proceed in his own estate?

we shall see........


Title: Re: The lord of the spire
Post by: Dat on 01 December 2009, 13:49:36
My guess is he does a bit of reading in his study, then afternoon tea in the gardens followed by a little croquet before retiring to the house in the evening for a nightcap and a listen to the wireless.

Title: Re: The lord of the spire
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 01 December 2009, 18:21:47
Note to self; Plant Garden.