Title: A King goes questing Post by: EvilGinger on 03 November 2009, 03:41:52 Raaple Daaple the Hobgoblin great king goes questing to expand his realm and earn his position as the WARLORD....
Mean while darker forces lay there plans..... Friends become foes and many much stranger things...... >:DGinger Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: morgalahan on 04 November 2009, 14:18:59 Ah, darker forces eh? As in those with darker skin, perhaps? Darker skin than a hobgoblin at least...
Anyway, we have a professional scout reporting for duty! Sir! Sharal s'Arabani, professional scout and shaman. She appears one day at the gates of the Spire, asking to see the Commander. Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 November 2009, 17:09:16 Or the forces of the shadowfell, or forces from deeper in the underdark, or things from the underdark of the shadowfell, or...er...any number of possible interpretations of Darker Forces.
Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: morgalahan on 04 November 2009, 17:16:33 Um, well, yes, that's always the possibility...
Anyway, are we playing this on Sunday? I was confused about which one we were playing, since things seemed to be dependent on hijacking Chris' sister and asking her if she wants to join the game. Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 November 2009, 17:44:42 See the date at the top of the thread? This would be NEXT sunday, the 15th. :)
Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: morgalahan on 04 November 2009, 18:06:30 Oh, right. Hehe, I don't usually see the dates at the top
Title: Re: A King goes questing Post by: EvilGinger on 13 November 2009, 08:05:44 if any one out there fancys joining in on an established game this is likely the time to do it as this is very much the start of a new chapter.
>:DGinger |