Title: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: Spirit Games on 09 October 2013, 13:46:02 Spirit Games Website Whats New for RPG
Overview : Spirit Games, supplying gamers with board games, card games, roleplaying games, d20, wargames and miniatures, for 20 years. Website : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/disp.php?menu=1&sub=n The Moon Must Be Ours! Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=7087 The greatest threat is at our front door! Join the Patrol! Better Angels Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=7086 The World Shall Be Mine! A demon gave you superpowers and it demand evil. No, not just evil - EEEEVIL! In Better Angels, you play a supervillain attempting ridiculous acts of villainy in order to control the demon that gives you amazing powers - and you play the demon for the player next to you, pushing that player's supervillain to greater and greater wickedness. Do too much evil and the demon might take control entirely. Too little, and - well, it's a demon. It will find way to punish you. Better Angels focuses on characters' moral stances. Is your villain Insightful or Devious? Are you Cunning or Patient? Is your Courage as great as your Cruelty? Those characteristics dive your superpowers. They shape your relationship with your demon and are shaped by it in every scene. Get ready. There are diabolical inventions to create. Enemies and rivals to thwart. Plots and schemes to launch. AN ENTIRE WORLD TO CONQUER! All it will cost is your soul. Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG Beta Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=7088 Title: Re: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: EvilGinger on 10 October 2013, 06:28:48 Better Angels
Had a look at this one in the Shop and it looks to me a long time fan of Super hero RPGS an interesting new take on the genre. >:DGinger Title: Re: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 10 October 2013, 13:55:17 Sounds interesting. Possibly one for the right group though. Some of the wednesday group Wednesday reach for the bumper book of war-crimes quite readily enough without literally being egged on to ever greater evils. :)
With enough focus on your character as a person though, it could be really involved RPing. Title: Re: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: EvilGinger on 10 October 2013, 17:52:38 Indeed but below the superhero/villain froth layer there is I think some room for some very immerse role playing in a way the first vampire books approached it, how do you dance with a devil on your back? The rules mechanics seem cleaver and at least from a skim read seem to be designed to enable this without going too complicated...
>:DGinger |