Title: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 October 2009, 00:29:03 (http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7121/speedpaintcityatnightby.jpg) (http://i-netgrafx.deviantart.com/art/Speedpaint-City-at-Night-70523292) The Wicked City, proud Lakath. Usually so welcoming this time of year, for people such as our cast of three. But one day in late autumn, the sun simply failed to rise in the morning. For weeks now, the city has broiled and thrashed, the populace desperate to find who to blame for this catastrophy and the powerful religious factions are eager to provide. The Witchfinders of Pelor have never been busier. With the Sun gone from the sky, the deadly 'Eye of Pelor' (a terrible artifact built into the Cathedral of the Sun which focuses it's the rays of the heaven on one small space) has been rendered blind. Instead, great ghastly bonfires line the streets that the Church of Pelor control. With temperatures rising to fever pitch, the King had called a council of the powerful and squabbling churches to get to the route of the problem. But as their squabbling and arguments have only served so far to whip up the mainly human populations anger and fear, it is perhaps no suprise that the Dwarven Airship "Thundershark" found itself, for once, carrying passengers on it's return journey... This episode will feature only those three who have agreed to take on the extra responsibilities of being the semi-official 'core' of the group. Barring any changes, this means - Andy, Bob and Chris. The session will begin aboard the 'Thundershark', and all three of you will be aboard. If the three of you could PM me with the details of your characters backstory and similar details, I'll work out the details with you. Date for this session will be posted closer to the date, as we await andy's return (or a free evening close to his official return) for this to get under-way. Tombwalker - I know you in particular have time constraints, are there any other evenings you could spare an hour or two? Not in the next couple of weeks, mind, we're talking midway through next month up to the time of Andy being done with his temporary work... Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Tombwalker on 18 October 2009, 12:04:02 will let you know as soon as I get some dates off Chelltiger
Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 15 November 2009, 00:44:45 So, Tuesday of this week is strictly a no-go. Andy could make monday instead, but I can't, so that's no help. :)
Now, apparently there's a good chance of Andy being generally speaking available, so on the assumption that we'll get Andy Access this wednesday, I move that we discuss the date for the Prelude then. Possible dates include Friday of this week, (admittedly that would likely require skipping Evil Ginger's game, but for a single session, I'm willing to if it's the best option). The other option is to handle the prelude on a wednesday, possibly with our excellent fill-in-dm keeping the others entertained whilst we huddle elsewhere in the shop. Thoughts, people? Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: morgalahan on 15 November 2009, 17:27:03 My thoughts initially included violence on your behalf, as you skipping friday would mean I don't get to do anything, but then I thought that perhaps I could sit in and watch? Unless it's a super secret session in which no other person alive may know the goings on...however, I try my damndest not to metagame.
As to this wednesday, I'd like to know very much if we're having an Andy game, or not. If not, I probably need to bring along the plans for the next session of Dragons and Draneir, if yes, then I don't. Me entertaining people while you lot huddle in the corner won't work so well, since you're most of my players. At any rate, I'd love to know whats going on, and when. Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 15 November 2009, 19:08:36 Actually we are under half of your players, Ie, me and bob versus chris michelle and vince, so ner.
Also, promising violence against the DM is rarely a long-term wise idea. ; Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: EvilGinger on 16 November 2009, 05:26:38 Please keep plotting to give me a Friday night off or a Galaxy race with Phil the shop
>:D Ginger Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: morgalahan on 16 November 2009, 15:23:30 It's OK Mr. Ginger. Even if he doesnt run it on Friday you can have the night off. I'm OK with that, if Mr. Tiki Snakes is. Hopefully SOMETHING will happen on wednesday, but I fear that something wont include my erstwhile filler campaign, as either way it might work, I wont have enough players....or we're playing our feisty slaves.
Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: EvilGinger on 17 November 2009, 07:58:18 I once again observe that the only way to pin down a gamer is with a HARPOON GUN
>:D Ginger Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 17 November 2009, 18:21:36 You wouldn't happen to have one spare, would you? ;)
Title: Re: Integrity - Prelude Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 17 November 2009, 18:51:01 Right, I've decided;
I'm NOT running this on this wednesday. It will take place next week, at some point. We shall discuss available days for running it on THIS wednesday, defaulting to NEXT wednesday if no better ideas are forthcoming. That is all. See you tomorrow. |