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Gaming Groups => Burton Delvers => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2013, 05:38:06

Title: These are the Voyages of USS XB263 - Ship Systems test bed
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2013, 05:38:06
These began last night with a character generation and very improvisational role playing session a full report of which will follow when I have got enough sleep. I would however like to thank  Sam, Becca, & the Large double act for joining in & telling me they had fun doing it.



Title: Re: These are the Voyages of USS XB263 - Ship Systems test bed
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2013, 19:25:44
And it all went horribly wrong....
(session one write up)

The Team started out with the USS XB263 on station keeping between the orbits of Earth and Mars and running through the pre system checks on the new test project the Xiang - Khan - Ibrahim  tunnelling warp drive . The team deployed and the test was initiated with the drives warm up sequence with the ships normal warp drive shut down and cold so as to avoid any interaction between the residual warp field it might create & that of the  drive under test.

pre initiation checks ran through and where clear - the telemetry on the warp drive and nacelle systems was coming up green & data was beginning to accumulate in the XB's computer memory core. the warm up was initiated and ran for sixteen of the twenty seconds that it was supposed to take with all systems still reporting status green and then it all started to go wrong. all Nacelle & test drive telemetry data just stopped like some one had cut the cable. Worse all the Xb's external sensors went blind all at once. The bridge and the project control room below it became a hive of activity as systems where  tested and diagnostics run as the team attempted to work out what had happened. It quickly became apparent that all the tested systems where working just apparently not receiving any data.

Mean while down in  engineering the senior test and ships engineering officer decided to climb up the access duct to the test nacel and take a look for themselves.

To be continued....


Title: Re: These are the Voyages of USS XB263 - Ship Systems test bed
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2013, 23:25:26
whilst I will continue with an finish the write up latter I now have the blank format for the character sheet done so I now need to sort out what every one wrote on Thursday & turn it into some numbers to go on the sheet.

I also need to have another good read thorough the basic roleplaying book & see if I can milk it of ideas to give the charactors a proper star trek feel


Title: Re: These are the Voyages of USS XB263 - Ship Systems test bed
Post by: EvilGinger on 11 October 2013, 21:34:30
Played the second session of the game and whilst there will be a more detailed write up the players as g group are beginning to jell & they are beginning to understand the situation which the drive incident has dropped them in the middle of.
