Title: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 02:58:29 My idea for something in the interim while Arnu is unable to run the Skyfire Saga.
I'm going to run (If there are no objections) a campaign thats 4th edition ostensibly set in the Forgotten Realms, but not quite. The campaign will start with the characters at 6th level, any forgotten realms race or class, except dragonborn for specific story related reasons. I'm willing to consider other races such as the ones from the Monster Manuals as well, but they need to be OK'd with me first. The setting is homebrew, so there are several differences from the core Forgotten Realms setting. Here's some lore for your to swallow, flavor and such: Draneir, the land ruled by the Dragon Gods, fearsome beings of great power who guide their followers as they see fit. Some are benign, protectors and guardians who watch over their chosen people. Others are cruel tyrant lords, who send their mighty armies against other lands, intent on conquest and plunder. For eons the balance between the lands was maintained, no Dragon mighty enough to conquer another, and none willing to ally and share their power. Then suddenly, all was thrown into chaos by the disappearance of several of the mighty beings. Those who vanished seemed random, protectors and malefactors alike disappearing over night. Several of the evil ones took advantage of this, and joined together to form a dread triumvirate, leading their combined might against the lands now unclaimed. In desperation these lands banded together under the protection of the great Red Lord Esteravax and formed the Crimson Legion, an army made of the forces of those lands who no longer had the power to resist the newly formed Triumvirate. For the past 200 years the land has been torn by the war between the great Dragons. There has rarely been peace in the lands since the Vanishing, and Esteravax leads his people alone, his allies either gone or too paranoid about protecting their own lands to help defend others. The Crimson Legion has held it's own, for it's armies are vast. They are slowly loosing however, as the combined power of the Blue Lady, Copper Lord and the Bronze Lord is terrible. In a gambit to find more power or allies, the Red Lord has sent out parties of adventurers to all the corners of Draneir. There have been rumors of a vanished Dragon God seen near the great jungles to the South, and it is to these jungles that Esteravax sends his more resourceful recruits. He hopes that these rumors prove true, and that the Dragon sighted is one who will aid him and protect the lands from the Triumvirate. The only way to reach the jungles is by sea, a perilous voyage that passes close to the lands held by the Copper Lord K'vathal. Three ships set sail, carrying those who may well be the hope for the future. They are charged with gaining aid for the Crimson legion, finding new allies and if possible, a Dragon... Ok, lore speech over. Here's how it'll work game dynamics. The lands are separated into different nations ruled over by different Dragons. The Lords are made up of the 10 standard dragon types, chromatic and metallic, but alignment and scale colour arent classic. Each nation is made up of different races in different proportions. For example, the Green Lady rules the forest homelands of the elves, but you may still find elves in the armies of the Crimson Legion, or as general people just living through the war. Dragonborn are not allowed because they are in fact the holy people and servants of the Dragon Lords, who also act as gods. These dragon gods are essentially ascended Dragons, as it were. Other deities do have a hold here and there in Draneir, but it's not as common as worshiping the Dragon who controls the land you were born in. Race differences: Humans are essentially the same, and make up the majority of the Crimson Legion, as they are the core nation ruled over by Esterevax. Halflings travel here and there, and have a more gypsy-ish culture. They don't have a specific homeland, but live in all the lands. Dwarves are less underground and more surface, constructing cities on mountain faces as per usual. They live mostly in the mountain ranges bordering the Jungles, their homeland is ruled by the Gold Lord. Elves as I've said come from the forested lands ruled by the Green Lady. Eladrin and gnomes come from the coastal lands ruled by the Silver Lady. The rest of the lands are mixed population wise, and as it's not possible to play someone from the lands ruled by the Triumvirate, I'll not bother with them. Races such as tieflings, deva and genasi can be found anywhere. Flavor wise they're more like the original 3rd edition ones, having no specific cultures or homelands of their own. They're descended from mixed unions between mortals and outsider beings. Goliaths may be found living with dwarves. As I said before, just because a race has a specific homeland doesnt mean they can't be with the Crimson Legion, as there is a healthy salting of different races everywhere. If you want to play something more interesting, let me know and I'll tell you where it would fit in, and if it's possible. Characters would start out being 'with' the military essentially, but would be more of a 'task force' than a specific unit of soldiers. You may or may not have worked together previously. As adventuring types you're more suited to running about on your own rather than trying for a specific military career, but there's no reason why you couldnt have BEEN a proper soldier or want to be one in the future. The setting isnt as Grim/dark as it sounds. The war has been going on for a very long time and most people have just learned to live with it. It's more like a backdrop for the actual storyline the characters themselves will be following. More or less, if you have any questions type away and I'll let you know anything you wish to. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 13 October 2009, 03:04:26 So, to reiterate, and confirm, Worship of Tiamat is Bad/Wrong or simply not available at the current time? :)
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 03:06:06 :3 She's not around much, being more of an over deity. It's like trying to worship AO. You wouldnt get anywhere with it. There's no church to her.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 13 October 2009, 10:02:16 What sort of level are we talking about?
Will you want characters sorted before or is it ok on the night? Just hope we don't get 6 rangers and a rougue!!! :P Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 13 October 2009, 11:05:11 I have been told level 6, and pre-genning is fine. Check if you are using anything not mentioned above?
I myself had one sorted before I slept. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 13 October 2009, 13:32:23 Will prepare an avatar for this new world then. (Not a ranger ::))
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Dat on 13 October 2009, 14:19:39 I'm thinking gnome. :)
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 16:46:15 I have to ask, Tombwalker, who are you? I know Tiki and Dat, but I don't know who many other people are, in the flesh so to speak. I need to contact people about tomorrow to ask them to bring a character, and I'm wondering who I still need to contact. It would help if I knew who already knows about this... ???
So far, Tiki seems intent on a barbarian, so we have a tough striker. The other roles seems available still. But then again, if you end up being a party of rangers again, not MY problem >:D Gnomes are fine Dat, but what class are you making? Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 13 October 2009, 17:06:25 Tombwalker is Bob, I believe.
(Nb, yes. Very much a Barbarian.) Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 17:49:45 Minotaur lore:
The minotaur race hails from the swampy region ruled by the Black Dragon Lord Barlthax. The Dragon, although a one time ally of Esteravax, has pulled out of the conflict and chooses to guard his own lands. The Minotaur race prizes honor and loyalty above all else, and would not abandon their human allies in a time of need. The Black Lord did not deny them, and allowed them to send a small group of minotaurs to live with and join the Crimson Legion. Over the past century this group has grown to identify more with the people of the Legion, and now considers itself to belong to the lands held by Esteravax. Minotaurs still travel too and from the lands held by the Black and Red lords, visiting family and friends in either land. Rituals of honor and adulthood must still be undertaken in the ancestral lands, and some young ones who were born in the lands of the Red Dragon have spent several years in their homeland. The minotaur barbarians would be much more savage, and those minotaurs who do not prefer the rigid ways of the warrior hierarchy would lean towards the barbarian. They are respected for their savagery and skill in battle, but looked down on a bit for their tendency to loose control of themselves during the battle itself. Minotaurs are a pragmatic lot, and if the barbarian is still standing and the enemies are dead, then the warrior earns the respect of his peers. However, the code of honor all minotaurs aspire to dictates that they do not strike an unarmed enemy, or without the enemies knowledge. They're wont to use battle cries to inspire confidence and to warn their enemies. Regardless of class, all minotaurs would fight like that. Those who do not, and act in a dishonorable manner are looked down upon for their shame. They would be outcasts who do not mix well with their own people. The humans of the Crimson Legion are as varied as humans come, and many would welcome such a warrior regardless of his reputation with his people. As long as he gets the job done, who cares that he's a sneaky bastard in battle? It's about surviving, not about dying in glorious battle. Minotaurs dress to mimic their patron, using black scale armor with helmets that make their own heads look like the head of a black dragon. Their own horns stand in for the horns of the dragon. When wearing plate, the armor is decorated to look like scale. Leather and hide armor is made up of scales as well. They are very proud of their patron Dragon, who they see as their savior for redeeming them from the violence and chaos of their past. Worship of Baphomet would be treated as the vilest of sins, and portions of the Cult of Baphomet that are discovered are wiped out completely. Minotaur culture is about honor, think samurai in that regard, but more viking stylistically. They usually wear black armor mimicking the look of their patron Dragon God, but those in the Crimson Legion have chosen to adopt red armor. Both males and females are fearsome warriors, and fulfill any roles in the culture. Preferred classes include Fighter, Warlord, Ranger, Shaman, Barbarian and Cleric. You could of course make a minotaur of any class, but it would require storyline justification. I haven't read the insider expansion about minotaurs, I'm actually basing this on the style of my favorite minotaur culture from Dragonlance. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Dat on 13 October 2009, 18:35:23 I'm thinking warlord. :)
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 18:43:46 A gnome warlord...hmm, what an interesting concept. You're really getting into this leader role aren't you?
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: chelltiger on 13 October 2009, 20:22:35 New to the forum but not the group. You should figure out who I am with ease. I am NOT Chris however!!! lol
I am thinking of elf ranger. Not had chance to read it all through yet, but I've had Tombwalker raving on as he does. I am thinking something lithe and fast and familiar with woodlands. Tombwalker says squirel. I shall leave character creation to him as this is one thing I really hate doing. Love the idea of a gnome warlord. lol :D Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: dust on 13 October 2009, 23:09:37 Would an elven avenger be ok?
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 13 October 2009, 23:11:33 Yup, would be fine. You're part of the Crimson Legion and have lived in the human lands all your life. You should worship Esteravax as your god, as well as the ruler and protector of your land.
Classes as far as I know, that we have so far. Barbarian, Ranger, Warlord, Avenger And just to be clear, the standard magic item rules apply, so for you all, 1 lvl 5 item, 1 lvl 6 item and 1 lvl 7 item. Also add to that the amount of gold equal to the cost of a lvl 6 item to either spend or keep. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 14 October 2009, 03:17:34 So, we're looking Striker heavy again, eh? :)
Good job we've got a Leader, at least, that healing is going to be...useful, with little control and little defending going on. :) Interesting mix of characters, however, at first glance. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: dust on 14 October 2009, 08:27:20 Sorry, which deity is Esteravax? I can't seem to find any details
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Dat on 14 October 2009, 12:50:12 The first post will fill you in. If you are left asking questions, direct them at Morgy.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 15 October 2009, 00:22:02 Enjoyed the first session. Nice one morgalahan. Good game.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 15 October 2009, 00:28:21 Hehe, thanks. Officially my first 4th edition stint at DM'ing. :) It should get better, hopefully :D
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 15 October 2009, 00:37:06 Will try to remember to bring more food for Dat. Seems to bring out his calmer side. :D
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: chelltiger on 15 October 2009, 01:16:44 Good game. You grew in confidence as the game progressed. Looking forward to next week. :o surrounded by darker versions of elven folk. I've heard some pretty dark tales of such folk. I do wonder if The gnome warlord will be able to talk us out of this one with his diplomacy. We shall have to wiat and see.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Dat on 15 October 2009, 11:51:51 Every-one knows trib-als resp-ond well to some-one speak-ing loud-ly and clear-ly at them one syll-able at a time!! :P
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 15 October 2009, 13:33:28 lulz, who said anything about little furry wannabe hats? You MAY have a chance, if you can speak elven. Then again, they havent been seen for a long time, those dark skinned pointy eared people, and even eladrin and elves have only heard rumors that they exist at all. So, language barrier anyone?
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 15 October 2009, 17:42:55 GOR SMASH PUNY BARREER.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 17 October 2009, 08:50:21 It;s well known us orc bloods is charmin' ;D
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 17 October 2009, 12:00:23 +:laughing7=+::laughing7:
We shall see eh, we shall see... Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 18 October 2009, 11:17:30 Luckily for Styles, whilst working with his parents in the carter business, he was able to practice a very useful skill to deal with Irate people (his mum and dad). As smelly as it can sometimes be, he has learnt the art of the foot-massage and the benefits/effects it can have on the whole body. It has also helped with the bedding of the odd barmaid or two ;).
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 October 2009, 18:18:57 Wait, wait. Your Half-Orc is called Styles, and is good at giving Foot Massages?
Also, I take it you have an 'implied, ugly backstory' (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0555.html)? ;) Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 21 October 2009, 18:36:10 Nah! His parents business just couldn't support him aswell so he joined the lords army. Didn't quite fit in but struggled through. Managed to come back from the numerous "suicide" missions his superior officer kept sending him on to get noticed for special duties (ie. our type of group).
He earned the particular officers animosity by "pouching" his girl. The officer should have been more forthcoming with the young lady. No use being shy! He also pratices calinetics (? not sure on spelling) everymorning when time permits and is interested in learning different forms. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 October 2009, 18:42:02 ....callanetics? (http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/Callanetics) Oh my. :D
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 27 October 2009, 00:48:18 Okay, so it wasn't Callanetics he was talking about as much as some form of Tai-Chi type thing. Fair enough. :)
Still. Hehe. Anyway, Notes On Gor! As our Glorious DM has described previously, most times you guys would have seen a Minotaur armoured, he'd have been wearing such armour as to make himself vaguely resemble a Black Dragon, though some have taken to colouring their scaley-armour red. Gor does not wear such armour. The armour he summons looks pretty old, and was clearly well made. It has the well-worn feel of an ancestral-relic, and is the only piece of his kit that doesn't look particularly mistreated. The thick Hide-armour is detailed all-over with a labyrinthian pattern, radiating out from a central motif in the middle of the chest. Depending on how you look at it, the pattern seems to hint at musculature. Gore himself is a non-descript grey-brown, though there are definate greeny hints in places, especially the longer hair. He did, after-all, live in a swamp. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Tombwalker on 27 October 2009, 23:40:26 I had word block and it was the only thing that even resembled what I was after. Tai Chi would be closer be even that isn't fquite right.
Will have to see you next week but Dust should have mine and Chelltigers characters for reference anyway. Styles is only likley to get into some mischief with a women anyhow...(willingly I hope) Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 28 October 2009, 00:14:28 oh dear, thats assuming Dust himself is going to be able to make it :(
EDIT My prediction has been confirmed. We have three missing party members. Now, we ARE at a moment where we could have the Adventures of Gor and His Amazing Talking Throwing Weapon, but I leave that up to you. I can't REALLY run what I had planned, since it needs all to be present, but we can go off on a tangent if you want. Otherwise, anything else you want to do? Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 28 October 2009, 20:12:19 Well, there's a good chance Dat is already on his way over. I'm going to walk down to spirit games reguardless of who and what, and have fun somehow, or whatever. If that means getting Hilarious side-quest-action, so be it.
I'll see you there, if I see you there. :) Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 29 October 2009, 01:21:25 random evening of even more random talk. Was fun to just chill and talk crap for a while, even if we almost broke Chris every so often.
My challenge stands, something more f'ed up than the death stench manga. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 05 November 2009, 04:11:03 As the claim came up today in-session;
Little Drow Girls are really just adorable. (http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/170/a/6/Little_Priestess_by_Altana.jpg) Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 05 November 2009, 12:31:10 heeheehee, that IS rather adorable ^_^
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Dat on 06 November 2009, 16:44:44 She does look cute.
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: EvilGinger on 11 November 2009, 17:14:27 Just to say that you will have to amuse yourselves this evening as morgalahan is poorly sick :'( :'( get well soon cards appreciated especially with money in them ;)
>:DGinger Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 11 November 2009, 18:13:00 Oh man. Now we need a fill-in-session for the fill-in-session! What are the chances, eh?
Heal quickly. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 12 November 2009, 00:55:04 If only I could dear Tiki :( I need much stronger pain killing medication in order to be a funtioning human being at the moment. You always know it's really serious when I miss out on roleplaying, even DM'ing. Nothing is more important as a passtime for me ;)
I will either be there tomorrow night heavily doped up, or not. Hoping for the doped up outcome. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 12 November 2009, 01:11:53 The chemist near me is quite a nice one, I find. I even managed to find suitably industrial strength migraine stuff, dispite being a barely coherant stumbling ball of agony at the time, thanks to knowledgable and generally helpfull staff.
I reccommend it, if there's still a need. Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 12 November 2009, 01:19:43 Hmm, we'll see what happens. I really really DO need some very strong painkillers, something as close to prescription as possible. The throwing up doesnt help either, but seems unavoidable. Things will settle down soon, hopefully. At the very least you'll be coming HERE on Friday, so I'll be here to play no matter what! ;)
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: EvilGinger on 12 November 2009, 08:41:57 Possibly not old girl as if you are half as poorly sick as you where wednesday and leave your pain killers on the table +:nono=+::nono: I am evil enough to send you to your room or cancel the game >:(. However as we are of to the Quack this morning I hope this wont be necessary as I will be extracting a prescription from afore mentioned Quack.
>:DGinger Ps Tiki I expect a report on how the Deadlands game went Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 12 November 2009, 18:02:32 erm, I'm feeling better already, probably due to the co-codamol. ::)
Title: Re: Of Dragons and Draneir Post by: morgalahan on 18 November 2009, 19:30:08 hey there you would be heroes, just to let everyone know that I apparently have to run my campaign tonight, which I've got mostly set up anyhow, just bring your characters along, kay? ;)