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The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Deebee on 08 October 2009, 17:18:12

Title: Octobre Game - bit late but still...
Post by: Deebee on 08 October 2009, 17:18:12
Anyone up for a bit of Sci-Fi

Squad needed to investigate why the asteriod mining platform is not responding to hails?


Title: Re: Octobre Game - bit late but still...
Post by: PM on 09 October 2009, 10:43:30
Would love to but I'm working 5 weekends in a row (need the money). I am off this Saturday but it's my only free day for weeks.

Title: Re: Octobre Game - bit late but still...
Post by: Zarniwoop on 09 October 2009, 16:49:50
Sorry, bit manic at work so will be working another Saturday.. :(