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General Community => Chit Chat => Topic started by: Dat on 02 October 2009, 14:20:54

Title: Internet Security
Post by: Dat on 02 October 2009, 14:20:54
Norton has run out on my PC - and i was told every day at least a month before the end of the subscription! As i thought some of you work in/used to work in IT or at least are PC savvy, what should i get for a slow PC with XP? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: morgalahan on 02 October 2009, 16:15:07
Nortan is the satan of all anti virus programs. get Avast, it has s free version and it's better than AVG in my opinion, at the least I had it on my pc as well as avg just before, and avast detected far more sneaky viruses and worms than avg did.

Get it here: (

Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2009, 16:25:01
Norton is the god emperor of geeks the man who made his money fixing windows from the get go I will here no ill spoken of him.

I would go to and install Zone alarm and AVG. Zone alarm will produce lots of annoying squirrels for am bit whilst it learns what activity's you want to do automatically but stick with it as it will keep your pc out of trouble.

Avast is also a good choice but I prefer AVG


Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 02 October 2009, 17:06:45
Performance will not be an issue, whatever you replace Norton with. Of the ones I've tried, experienced and heard about, basically nothing is more invasive, or more prone to hog resources than Norton.

I've also used AVG, (It's what I had running at Uni) and never really had any problems. Ditto the above, Zone alarm is a good thing to pair it with. Even running both at the same time is less resource hungry than just Norton, that I recall, so that's no problem.

Might be worth spending an hour or so setting it up when first installed though, as I can see the inevitable 'this program wants to access the internet?' messages confusing the hell out of your Dad.

The biggest problem will be if you actually want to...Uninstall Norton. It's notorious for not really believing you, and leaving bits and pieces of itself lurking around the computer clogging everything up.

Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: Dat on 02 October 2009, 17:17:24
Thanks all! Read AVG digs deep into my PC or something, so i'm a try zonealarm for 15 days and use a free avast. Also, how do i actually get rid of norton then?

Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2009, 17:22:20
use Norton's own uninstal option Do not use add and remove programs in windows & if you have already then go to the Norton Website and look for the Norton Removal tool for your version of Norton AV


Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: Dat on 02 October 2009, 17:29:01
Tanks man.

Title: Re: Internet Security
Post by: CrazyFrog on 02 October 2009, 18:20:17
Zone alarm is free, the 15 days things an intergrate security junk thing.

Look for ZoneAlarm Basic Firewall  FREEWARE, and ignore the other options it trys to force on you. (

I also agree with Avast / AVG.  I use NOD32 but it cost's me $,  & Zone Alarm.