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Gaming Groups => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 02 December 2007, 11:49:02

Title: Ptolus Christmas Special 2pm
Post by: Zarniwoop on 02 December 2007, 11:49:02
Ptolus - D&D: Night of Dissolution - Christmas Special

Sunday, December 16, 2007, 2:00 PM


Let's see if the monster sized party can survive their current encounter, and then see what they might do.

The party followed up on a request to discourage a young lad from getting involved with the "wrong crowd" - well the Chaos cultists anyway. So they thought - let's earn his trust by taking him adventuring. The though process then went something like this:

"I know lets go back to that scary place with a pair of demons that we ran away from last time- and who might have changed their security arrangements by now. That would be a nice gentle introduction to adventuring for the lad!"

The "boy" they took along to give a taste for adventure turned out to be no slouch when it cam to fighting - he did run away - but that is because he was in mortal danger (pretty sensible really).

Anyway, we'll see what happens next......

I intend that the large party will split after this session - it is just too big for future. I think we can engineer it so that there will be a natural break after this session. From then on I will run a Saturday night session and a Sunday session for 2 groups, who can then interact with each other and help each other. This also give flexibility if someone cannot make one session they can leap into the other as needed.

Food - probably on a Christmas theme, although I do admit I have no idea what a vegan turkey substitute might be...

Title: Re: Ptolus Christmas Special 2pm
Post by: Zarniwoop on 13 December 2007, 02:44:39
This event has been Cancelled.